Jesus: Trustworthy Leader for a Gen Z Skeptic
Gen Z struggles to trust leaders or people in authority. But they can trust Jesus.
Gen Z struggles to trust leaders or people in authority. But they can trust Jesus.
Don Carson explores God’s love for the church, emphasizing the role of grace, the Holy Spirit, and biblical teachings.
We live in a time when resolving relational discord by severing the relationship is acceptable (or even applauded). But what does the Bible say about challenging relationships with parents?
Unlike Confucius, Jesus taught his disciples for only three years. Unlike Muhammad, Jesus died in humiliation with no armies or wealth. Yet the message of his resurrection eventually conquered an empire.
Guest host Kendra Dahl interviews Collin Hansen about his new book, ‘Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?’
Moving from online to in-person dating should be your top priority after meeting someone who sparks your interest. But that process requires careful wisdom.
While every divorce is due to human sin, not everyone who divorces sins.
Matt Smethurst and Ligon Duncan discuss how to apply the gospel to nominal Christians, struggling Christians, and all Christ’s sheep.
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Courtney Doctor, Melissa Kruger, Vanessa Hawkins, and Jen Wilkin discuss overcoming the barriers to biblical mentoring and discipleship.
Guest host Kendra Dahl interviews Collin Hansen about his new book, ‘Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?’
Matt Smethurst and Ligon Duncan discuss how to apply the gospel to nominal Christians, struggling Christians, and all Christ’s sheep.
Pastor and TGC Board member Afshin Ziafat reflects on the unique privilege of seeing God’s growth in people’s lives over the long haul.
In this breakout session at TGCW24, Sarah Zylstra hosts a roundtable discussion with women serving in various parts of the world, highlighting the spiritual landscapes of Australia, Ireland, Latin America, and Afghanistan.
Courtney Doctor, Melissa Kruger, Vanessa Hawkins, and Jen Wilkin discuss overcoming the barriers to biblical mentoring and discipleship.
Gen Z struggles to trust leaders or people in authority. But they can trust Jesus.
Don Carson explores God’s love for the church, emphasizing the role of grace, the Holy Spirit, and biblical teachings.
In ‘Experience Jesus. Really,’ Eldredge addresses an important problem with discipleship, but he points readers in an unhelpful direction.
We demand justice because we’ve been made by a God who is just.
Guest host Kendra Dahl interviews Collin Hansen about his new book, ‘Where Is God in a World with So Much Evil?’
Unlike Confucius, Jesus taught his disciples for only three years. Unlike Muhammad, Jesus died in humiliation with no armies or wealth. Yet the message of his resurrection eventually conquered an empire.