
Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! 2 Cor. 9:15

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. Col. 2:6-7

Heavenly Father, gratitude is a discipline before it’s a feeling—a remembering before it’s a rejoicing. Indeed, gratitude is warfare—a bold protest and strong defense against discontent, pouting, and envy.

So as this day begins, we want to express thanks for the “inexpressible gift” of the gospel. No matter what else is going on in our hearts, day, and world, we are hidden in Christ, sealed with the Spirit, and adopted as your kids. You’ve forgiven all our sins and robed us in Jesus’ righteousness; rooted us in your love and promised sufficient grace.

Nothing will separate us from your love, thwart your eternal plan for our lives, or keep us out of heaven. Jesus is always praying for us and the Holy Spirit is constantly gossiping the gospel in our hearts. Why would we EVER complain about anything? But there’s much more to acknowledge.

Father, thank you for clothing and a home, a comfortable bed and plenty of food. May we never presume the right to such things. Thank you for clean water and accessible doctors; a thermostat to control the temp and the assurance you’re in control of everything else.

Thank you for a “gospel posse” (Christian friends) with whom to share life, serve in your kingdom, and grow in grace. Thank you for the smell of bread baking, the sound of our favorite music, and the sights of a new Spring.

Father, thank you that one Day you’ll put everything right, make all things new, and wipe every tear. Thank you that you are presently working in all things for our good and your glory—even in the things that vex, confuse, and cause us heartache. Now that is total awesomeness. Here’s to a day of staying grateful. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ tender and triumphant name.
