
Why Has God Given Us So Many Bodacious Promises?

“God has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them we may participate in the divine nature (become like Jesus) and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires”. 2 Peter 1:4

Heavenly Father, what a centering gift this passage is to us. Firstly, thank you for giving us your “great and precious promises.” You are both the original promise maker, and promise keeper. You never over promised, and you’ll never under-deliver. Thank you.

Secondly, thank you clarifying why you have given us so many promises in the Bible. By your promises, we don’t program you; you transform us. To “share in your divine nature” is to become like Jesus, not become “little gods” exercising micro-sovereignty, over anything or anybody.

Your promises are way more about our holiness than our happiness—”escaping corruption,” not accumulating possessions. In this sense, your promises claim us; we don’t claim them. Hallelujah, the pressure is off. You began a work in us (and all creation) that you will finish.

Thirdly, its freeing to remember all your promises direct our gaze away from ourselves, to Jesus; for Jesus is the ultimate “Yes!” to every promise you made (2 Cor. 1:20).  May everything you’ve planned for us in Jesus by Jesus, shape our dreams, be our joy, and fuel our hope. We will never over love Jesus, or be too passionate for his glory. So very Amen we pray, in his triumphant and transforming name.

