
  “The best-equipped army can’t save a king, nor is great strength enough to save a warrior. Don’t count on your warhorse to give you victory—for all its strength, it cannot save you. But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.” Ps. 33:16-18


Lord Jesus, what an amazing calling—to rely on your unfailing love. So, though we avoid it like the plague, it’s good to come to the end of ourselves. To be in situations where our resources and formulas, our “army” and “warhorses,” our smarts and strategies are totally insufficient.

For that’s when we have to abandon ourselves to the Deliverer who parted the Red Sea (Ex. 14). The Warrior who overthrew the Midianite army with 300 gun-less soldiers (Judges 7). The Faithful-One who toppled Goliath with a pebble (1 Sam. 17). And, hallelujah, our Father who raised a dead man (you) for the salvation of his people (1Cor. 15).

This is the measure of your measureless, unfailing love. By your finished work, Jesus, we live in our Father’s permanent favor and watchful care. There is no other resolution for our ache and emptiness. No other balm begins to touch our needs and brokenness. Only your love can calm our fears and fuel our hope Thank you.

Jesus, we bring our poverty to your riches, our confusion to your wisdom, our anxieties to the throne of grace from which you reign. We bring it all to you, Jesus. Indeed, on this March Friday, we bring you us with raised hands and expectant hearts. Thank you for your glad welcome. So “hugely” and Very Amen.
