
Are We Vertically All-by-Grace, but Horizontal Legalists?

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Eph. 4:32


Heavenly Father, we might call it a paradox, the ultimate contradiction, a tragedy, a non sequitur, or a big ole “hot mess.” But many of us who hate legalism with a vengeance (when it comes to having a relationship with you), continue to live like legalists in our horizontal relationships. People have to earn, then re-earn our acceptance, kindness, and love. That’s not who we want to be, Abba. We know the Gospel better than that.

No matter the circumstances, story, or details, your love for us in Jesus is to be the hallmark and heartbeat of our horizontal relationships. Not as doormats to be walked on, but foot-washers who get low, we are to root our forgiving, repenting, and reconciling in the daily mercies and inexhaustible grace you give us.

Father, forgive us for the moments—even hours, when our default mode is to repay indifference for indifference, stubbornness for stubbornness, coolness for coolness, wise crack for wise crack, or pettiness for pettiness.

We so look forward to the Day when we will be made perfect in love (1 John 3:1-1). But until that Day, grant us quicker repentances when we get annoyed and angry, truly hurt and truly hard.

Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, keep us so alive to our union with Christ that it will be difficult to stay “snarky,” resentful, and disconnected. When, in certain relationships, we must put boundaries in place, may they be more like bridges of wise-grace built for hope, than motes filled with venomous alligators waiting to bring harm. Help us Father. Loving is costly. No one knows that better than you. So Very Amen.
