
Piper: Sailhamer’s The Meaning of the Pentateuch Will Rock Your World

pentateuchJohn Piper on John Sailhamer’s just-published magnum opus, The Meaning of the Pentateuch (IVP, 2009):

To all pastors and serious readers of the Old Testament—geek, uber geek, under geek, no geek—if  you graduated from high school and know the word “m e a n i n g,” sell your latest Piper or Driscoll book and buy Sailhamer.

There is nothing like it. It will rock your world. You will never read the “Pentateuch” the same again. It is totally readable. You can skip all the footnotes and not miss a beat.

Last week, when Piper got the book, he tweeted: “I feel like a greedy miser over a chest of gold.”

You can read the Introduction of the book online for free.
(“Pentateuch” is the name for the first five books of the Bible: Genesis-Deuteronomy.)

Update: It’s currently ranked #118 at Amazon! I’m sure Amazon didn’t see that one coming….
