
D. A. Carson recently spent a weekend teaching and preaching at Mars Hill in Seattle. They called it A Day with Dr. Don. The link takes you to the audio and video of his five sessions. I’ve also attempted to embed it all below.

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Session #1: “The Center of the Whole Bible” (Romans 3:21-26)

Session #2: “The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb” (Revelation 12)

Session #3: “A Miracle Full of Surprises” (John 11)

Session #4: “Why Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus” (John 20:24-31)

Session #5: The Ironies of the Cross (Matthew 27:27-51)

If you want the audio, here they are:

Session #1: “The Center of the Whole Bible” (Romans 3:21-26)

Session #2: “The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb” (Revelation 12)

Session #3: “A Miracle Full of Surprises” (John 11)

Session #4: “Why Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus” (John 20:24-31)

Session #5: The Ironies of the Cross (Matthew 27:27-51)
