
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,

rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Col. 2:6-7 

Lord Jesus, on this Monday before Thanksgiving Day, we want to get an early start on giving you the thanks of which you alone are worthy. Not like a slow drip, babbling brook, or meandering stream… rather, we want the banks of our souls to overflow with gratitude.

The worship-fueling goodness in our lives exponentially outnumbers the whine-worthy stories. For instance, the nanosecond you gave us faith to trust you as our Savior, we were fully forgiven, robed in your righteousness, and rooted in your love. Because the gospel is true, you love us as much as you love our Father, and our Father loves us as much as he loves you.

You have already rescued us from the penalty of sin; you are continually setting us free from the power of sin; and one Day you’ll deliver us from the very presence of sin. Hallelujah!

You have freed us from a life of “selfies,” self-ism, and self-pity, and have written us into your big Story of redeeming love, renewal, and restoration. We are citizens of heaven, heirs of the new earth, and conduits of your mercy and grace. Hallelujah!

Your generosity is off-the-charts measureless, and your gospel is beyond-all-imagining glorious. Absolutely nothing can alter, deter, or spoil your plan for our lives, and your purposes for the universe. You are that sovereign and that good.

Jesus, we would love to be already free with all carping and complaining, boohoo-ing and bellyaching, envy and coveting. But until that Day, cause a fountain of grace-gratitude to spring up in our souls. Fill our hearts and week full of reminders of every good thing we have in you, and by you. So very Amen we pray, in your tender and triumphant name.
