
I assume a lot of you are aware of this tract / online presentation of the gospel. But if not, here’s a nice presentation of Two Ways to Live that you can read online or share with others.

(In addition to English, it’s also available online in Chinese [traditional letters], Japanese, French, and Spanish.)

There’s also a kid’s version: Who Will Be King?

In The Gagging of God (pp. 501-504) D.A. Carson wrote:

At the risk of oversimplification, most evangelistic tools in the Western world are subsets of systematic theology. By this I mean that they tend to ask atemporal questions, and give atemporal answers. . . . There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this pattern, as long as the people to whom it is presented have already bought into the Judeo-Christian heritage. . . .

But if you present these atemporal outlines of the gospel to those who know nothing about the Bible’s plotline, and who have bought into one form or another of New Age theosophy, how will they hear you? . . .

In short, the good news of Jesus Christ is virtually incoherent unless it is securely set into a biblical worldview. . . . In the last few years, several evangelistic tools have been created that are far more sensitive to the Bible’s ‘story line’.

The first of these to be prepared is still one of the most effective: Two Ways to Live presents Christ in six steps, the six steps offering, in contemporary English, something of the Bible’s plot-line as the necessary framework in which to understand the gospel.

Update: Thanks to Dave Woodbury for the link to the free materials from a seminar at Capitol Hill Baptist Church that trains people in using this material. The first link is to the teaching transcript, the second to the seminar handout.

Session 1 – Intro & God’s Rule | Handout

Session 2 – Man’s Rebellion | Handout

Session 3 – God’s Just Response | Handout

Session 4 – Christ Dies for Rebels | Handout

Session 5 – Jesus the Risen Ruler | Handout

Session 6 – Only Two Responses | Handout
