
Rushing to Jesus Quicker Than We Rush to Judgment

  “Don’t judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you’ll be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matt. 7:1–2


Lord Jesus, thank you for the timing of these timeless words. Of late, my quick to irritation-and-criticism fuse has gotten shorter. Rushing to judgment has been easier than rushing to you. My cry is for you to give me mercy, not cut me some “slack.” I’m not asking you to understand my circumstances, but for you to forgive and free my heart.

Jesus, I don’t want you to judge me as I often judge others. In fact, hallelujah, you haven’t. You exhausted my judgment on the cross. The Gospel quid pro quo is revolutionary, glorious, and final. You exchanged the “this” of your perfect life for the “that” of my sin, rebellion, and unrighteousness. Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you.

The greatest contradiction of the Gospel—the most offensive non sequitur to the riches of your grace is harshness of spirit and a condemning attitude. Nursing our grudges rather than drinking in living water. Rehearsing what offends us about others, more than we relish what astonishes us about you, Jesus. Have mercy, indeed.

You’re not calling us to be blind to real issues, but generous with your loving kindness. By your heart and hand, continue to take the “ceiling beam” out of our eyes. You do call us to rescue and restore each other—but with gentleness (Gal. 6:1; Jude 20-23). Your kindness first led us to repentance, and Jesus, it’s doing the same today. Thank you. So Very Amen.
