
Gospel Monologues Not Self-Pity Soliloquies

Soul, your find rest in God alone… your hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5


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Dear Father, several images come to mind when I think of King David’s “self-speak“ captured in this verse. Lonely people with no one to listen, murmuring about life’s pains as they walk the mall. Athletes psyching themselves up before an event starts. Children surrounded by stuffed animals telling adventure stories while enjoying imaginary tea and cookies. And then there’s me, and most of my praying friends.

Some of us talk to ourselves with contempt—heaping blame, shame, and vain regrets. Some of us carry on a self-pity monologue—reminding ourselves of what we deserve, don’t have, and who’s to blame. Some of us escape into fantasies of what could’ve, should’ve, would’ve been, if only…

But as your children, you call us to speak to ourselves like King David did, with you always in the conversation. “Restless soul, find your rest in God alone, for Abba is your ever-flowing fountain of hope.”

In similar fashion, “Anxious Scotty, find your center and peace in Jesus today. Take your fears and worries to the one who is always present in the storm. Jesus knows your name, and the storm knows his name. Trust him.”

Vulnerable Scotty, don’t plug your “peace-plug” into people and their opinions of you. Jesus knows you thoroughly and loves you totally. Your greatest need isn’t to be celebrated, 20 years younger, or to rebrand yourself. Pass “the torch,” or you’ll burn yourself with it.”

Angry Scotty, do you see how much energy you waste comparing, blaming, and resenting? You’re acting like a spiritual orphan—without Abba as your loving and engaged Father. You know better than you’re acting.”

Contented Scotty, camp out here. Don’t rush it. Linger in Abba’s welcome and presence. Abide in his love.” So Very Amen.

