
Dear friends, continue to build up each other in your most holy faith—in the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Gospel. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit—adoring Jesus together, and bringing each other to the throne of grace. Eagerly and patiently wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ—the Day of consummate mercy and the fullness of eternal life. This is how you will abide and grow in the love of God together—resting and reveling in the riches of his grace, living and loving to his glory. (Paraphrase of Jude 20-22)


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Dear Jesus, we have our fishing buddies and exercising friends—good practices indeed. Others with whom we love to travel, be “foodies,” and enjoy college sports. Still others with whom we enjoy reading books, rallying to causes, and engaging in service projects. Thank you for each and all of these groups of friends—for there is sweetness “under the sun” in all of these ways we share life.

But today we take to heart your half-brother, Jude’s, recipe for friendship. We can build a very full life and schedule of awesome relationships and experiences, and yet make very little space for you, thoughts of eternity, and really caring for each other.

Jesus, fill our hearts and friendships—and all the stuff we love to do—fill it all with yourself. It’s not that life is to be one non-ending Bible study and prayer meeting, but no one loves the things we love to do more than you. Indeed, you have given us all things to richly enjoy (1Tim.6:17). Invade, inhabit, infuse every area of our lives with your truth, goodness, and beauty. It won’t mean living more “religiously,” but more as yours. So Very Amen.



