
 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother (or sister) is born for a time of adversity.” (Prov. 17:17). “Two are better than one…  If either of them falls down, one can help the other up… (Eccl. 4:9-10).  “Encourage one another, all the more as the Day of his (Jesus’) return is drawing near.” (Heb. 10:25)


Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of friendship—and especially for you being a “friend of sinners.” We would despair if that wasn’t so. In fact, you are way more familiar with how much we need your mercy, grace, and Spirit than we are. It’s one of the reasons you call us to Gospel-soaked friendships.

I cannot imagine growing older not having friends who own their weaknesses and vulnerability, and treasure the Gospel and its riches. The thought of not having friends like that has never been more scary, unacceptable, and dangerous. Likewise, none of us needs to have (or be) “friends” like Job had—self-appointed fixers,  more likely to give correction than affection—more “skilled” at giving advise than engaging from the heart.

Jesus, thank you for the friends who have already come to mind as we pray together this morning. And thank you for giving us all kinds of things to richly enjoy with one another as friends (1Tim.6:17). You never designed life to be one big hymn sing or Bible study—as important as both are.

Thank you for friendship that includes play and laughter, enjoyment of creation and music, exploration and adventure, suffering and trusting, fishing and catching fish, good food and unrushed conversation. Precisely because we live together well, we will die and bury one another well… and delight forever in the fullness of eternal life we will enjoy together in the new heaven and new earth.  Thank you, Jesus, and So VERY Amen.

