
I like lists-top ten lists, book lists, year end lists, new year lists, all kinds of lists. I’m always interested to see the list of best books put out by various magazines and bloggers at the end of the year. I also enjoy it when the blogs I frequent list their most trafficked posts of the year.

So, in case you were curious–or missed some of these the first time around–here are the most viewed posts from my blog in the past year. Not surprisingly, several posts are related to gay marriage, and a number of others had to do with pop culture events. It was nice to see three posts (5, 6, 10) of a more general theological or pastoral nature get some traction too.

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(1) 40 Questions for Christians Now Waving Rainbow Flags

If you consider yourself a Bible-believing Christian, a follower of Jesus whose chief aim is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, there are important questions I hope you will consider before picking up your flag and cheering on the sexual revolution.

(2) No Grey Area

This is a black and white issue. Don’t go. Don’t watch it. Don’t read it. Don’t rent it.

(3) But What Does the Bible Say?

I’d rather not talk about homosexuality again. But the world hasn’t stopped talking about it. And the Bible hasn’t stopped saying what it has always said.

(4) Why Not Gay Marriage?

Are there any decent, rational, non-bigoted Americans who are willing to consider why other Americans might have plausible reasons for opposing same-sex marriage? This blog post is my way of saying “yes” to the first question and “let’s hope so” to the second.

(5) 9 Marks of an Unhealthy Church

Here are nine marks that your church–even one that believes the Bible, preaches the gospel, and embraces good ecclessiology–may be unhealthy.

(6) A Brief Defense of Infant Baptism

No matter where you fall on this issue, I encourage you think through the topic with an open Bible and some good resources in hand.

(7) Immigration Policy Must be Based on More than an Appeal to Compassion

My plea is that the conversation reflect the complexity of the situation and goes beyond the familiar dichotomies of love versus hate, inclusion versus exclusion, and fear versus compassion.

(8) Yeah, Well, What About the Crusades?

Isn’t it wise to know at least a little something about the Crusades before we borrow them to get an advanced degree in self-recrimination?

(9) Why Is a Wedding Any Different?

A wedding is not a dinner invitation or a graduation open house or retirement party. Even in a completely secular environment, there is still a sense–and sometimes the wedding invitations say as much–that our presence at the event would honor the couple and their marriage.

(10) Ten Diagnostic Questions for Your Marriage

When the silliness slows down, it may be because you are in a season of suffering, but it may also mean you’ve exited a season of peace and trust. The couple that laughs together lasts together.
