
Presuppositional apologetics, I would argue, is the most misunderstood way of thinking about apologetics.

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I’m sure there are many and varied reasons behind this: the articulation by some of its advocates, its dependance upon Reformed theology, a lack of charity or interest among its critics to get it right, a misleading name, etc.

But I have found it to be profoundly biblical—both as an approach with unbelievers and in bolstering my confidence in the authority of God and his word. And I am thankful Scott Oliphint has written Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith to set forth the case in full, and that he is advocating a more accurate name for it.

The best deal on the book will be from WTS, who will be offering a one-week sale of the book for 60% off (i.e., only $8 a copy), beginning tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.

“Few people have thought as deeply and carefully as Scott Oliphint about the relationship between confessional Reformed theology and Christian apologetics. There has been much talk in recent years about ‘covenantal apologetics,’ but it has consisted mainly of informal discussions scattered across the blogosphere. What has been sorely needed is a definitive book-length exposition by a well-regarded scholarly advocate. No one is better qualified than Dr. Oliphint to take on that task, and he has not disappointed. This book clearly explains the theological foundations of covenantal apologetics and illustrates its application in real-world conversations with unbelievers.”
James N. Anderson, Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte; author, Paradox in Christian Theology

“As a teacher I have been crying out for an apologetic primer that would help to demystify a presuppositional method, demonstrate the exegetical and biblical-theological basis for this method, and give some idea as to what this might look like in the real world with real people. Oliphint’s Covenantal Apologetics fills this need. It is not only principled and practical, but pastoral. For those looking to give reasons for hope, I recommend it.”
Daniel Strange, Academic Vice Principal and Tutor in Apologetics, Oak Hill College, London

“I am grateful to see Oliphint taking Reformed apologetics in a more accessible, less technical, and richly biblical-theological direction. His approach to apologetics is uniquely centered on God’s revelation in Christ and emphasizes persuasion aimed at the heart over argumentation targeting the head alone. The book goes beyond merely discussing principles to presenting thorough case studies demonstrating how the principles of covenantal apologetics can be put into practice. As a professor and pastor, I will recommend this to many people and assign it in my apologetics courses.” —Justin S. Holcomb, Adjunct Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando

Engaging unbelief is the work of every believer in a post-Christian culture. In everyday conversations (offline and online) pluralism demands we give equal value to all religious beliefs. To stabilize us in this culture, we turn to God’s revelation in Scripture. Drawing from his own experience and offering concrete dialogues, apologist Scott Oliphint models a Christian response to unbelief and has delivered the type of book we desperately need—biblically grounded, God-centered, jargon-pruned, and clearly written. Covenantal Apologeticsis an essential tool to meet unbelief with the hope inside us—the hope of the gospel.” —Tony Reinke, Content Strategist, Desiring God Ministries; author, Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books

“K. Scott Oliphint has done a service for the church in wonderfully translating the venerable Van Tillian apologetic approach into more accessible categories. By laying out the principles and practice of covenantal apologetics, Oliphint moves beyond mere description to the actual practice of apologetics in the contemporary world. Grounded in Scripture and Reformed theology, upholding the lordship of Christ in all of life, eschewing neutrality in our thinking, and tackling the hard cases of the problem of evil, naturalistic evolution, and Islam, Oliphint in a step-by-step way teaches us how to defend Christianity in a biblically faithful and persuasive manner. I highly recommend this work for anyone who is serious about engaging people with the truth of the gospel.”
Stephen J. Wellum, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Editor, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
