
Gospel Fullness and Shame Amnesia

“Fear not; you will no longer live in shame. Don’t be afraid; there is no more disgrace for you. You will no longer remember the shame of your youth…” Isa. 54:5 (NLT)

Heavenly Father, this portion of your Word makes non-dancers want to imitate King David’s moves (2 Sam.6:14-22), non-shouters yell praises (Psalm 98:4-9), and non-hand-raisers reach for the heavens (1 Tim. 2:8-10). Your heart-healing kindness for us is overwhelming.

In Isaiah’s words, you intend us to live in grace, not disgrace—to celebrate with joy, not hide in shame; to live with hope, not be paralyzed with fear. You know everything about us and love us completely. There’s nothing in us to discover, shock, or disappoint you. Your name is Redeemer, and our name is Beloved. By the riches of the Gospel…

You completely forgave us

Declared us righteousness in Jesus

Adopted us as your daughters and sons

Sealed, and now indwell us by your Holy Spirit

Have secured a future for us beyond our greatest hopes

     Until that blessed Day, make the Gospel more palpably real to us—truer, sweeter, and more powerful. What a blessing to realize you’re not ashamed of us, Father. You love us as much as you love Jesus—as hard as that is to believe.

May our union with Christ define us more than the approval of people, the comparisons we make, and the wounds we still carry. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ merciful and mighty name.
