
  “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5


Dear Father, King David’s “self-speak“ in this verse prompts two images in my mind. One is of an older angry gentleman, who walks around our mall muttering criticism and judgment. The other image is of me, and how in any given hour I narrate life, interpret circumstances, label people, and address myself. This doesn’t make me emotionally imbalanced, but human. For we address ourselves, all the time. Help us Abba.

Some of us talk to ourselves with contempt—heaping on blame, shame, and vain regrets. Some of us carry on a self-pity monologue—reminding ourselves of what we deserve, don’t have, and who’s at fault. It’s a fail-safe recipe for finishing life alone.

But as your children, you call us to speak to ourselves like King David, with you always in the conversation. “Restless soul, find your rest in God alone, for Abba is your ever-flowing fountain of hope.”

In similar fashion, “Anxious Scotty, find your center and peace in Jesus today. Take your fears and anxieties to the one who is always present in the storm—even when you don’t recognize him or ignore him. Jesus knows your name, and the storm knows his name. Trust him.”

Vulnerable Scotty, don’t plug your “identity-cord” into mere people, and don’t run away in avoidance. Jesus knows you thoroughly, and loves you totally. Don’t hitch your security-wagon to a burro without legs. Jesus is your perfect righteousness, not your disgruntled coach.

Angry Scotty, can you see how much energy you’re wasting blaming, “should-ing,” and resenting? You’re acting like a spiritual orphan—without a Father, home, or hope. Head home! Abba is running towards you in the Gospel,” So Very Amen.
