
No Fear of Bad News

     Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure; they will have no fear. Psalm 112:6-8 (NIV)

Heavenly Father, I crave the heart King David describes in this Psalm, like a baby robin to morning breakfast, like a hungry trout to an emerging hatch, like me standing in front of a table of dark chocolate. Oh, to have a steadfast-heart beating in a circumstance-challenged body… a fearless calm when surrounded by difficult people and uncertain outcomes… a Good News heart in a bad news world.

By the truth and power of the gospel, make that heart beat within my chest, Father. Free me to trust more and fret less; to worship more and worry less. You’ve declared us—your beloved children, to be fully forgiven today, and perfectly righteous in Christ. Now make me less shakable when shaky things are going on.

I don’t wanna be oblivious or impervious, in denial or dismissive of reality. But I do want to live with more peace in the storms and with more “okay-ness” about not being in control. Give me more confidence and joy in knowing you’re doing all things well, even when you don’t do things my way on my timetable. Father, my theology tells me you’ve “got this one,” (and everything else), well in hand. Make my theology my doxology, my head’s profession my heart’s possession, my historic creed my today’s calm.

When it comes, help me accept “bad news,” not with a shrug of my shoulders, but with the bend of my knees—not with passive resignation, but with active surrender to you, my sovereign, good Father. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ wonderful and merciful name.
