
  “Learn from me, for I (Jesus) am gentle and humble in heart.” Matt. 11:29


Lord Jesus, I wish “gentleness and humility” could be learned in a weekend online crash-course. Or that they were gifts of the Spirit to be received through prayer and fasting. Better, I wish they could have been included in my family’s bloodline, my Enneagram number, or Abba-given temperament.

But becoming like you, Jesus, involves walking and communing with you, and learning from you—a “school” from which we’ll only graduate when you return. However, there’s no “diploma,” apprenticeship, internship, or graduation of greater value and eternal significance than becoming like you Jesus. In what arenas of life do I crave greater humility and gentleness?


  • Gentle me in my primary and most precious relationships—in my marriage, parenting, grand-parenting, and dearest friendships. To get irritated is to be human; but to be self-aware enough to own it and repent is a work of your Spirit.
  • Gentle me when things just don’t work out—when good plans end up in the trash can. Keep me flexible and trusting that Abba is “ordering my steps” even when I have different wishes and plans.
  • Gentle me when I get fair and unfair criticism, and even general feedback. “To hate correction is stupid” (Prov.12:1), and defensiveness sabotages connection and intimacy as quickly as anything.
  • Gentle me when I forget names and where I put stuff, and when the mirror and calendar are telling me I’m closer to heaven every day. That’s actually a good thing—a glorious reality which makes humility and gentleness quite attractive.


Jesus, thank you for your grace, gentleness, and sovereignty And thank you for friends who make growing older and growing in grace a shared journey, a mutual encouragement-fest, and a life of joyful hope. So Very Amen.
