Last week I mentioned D.A. Carson’s essay, “Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Yes, But . . . ,” published in Theological Commentary: Evangelical Perspectives, ed. R. Michael Allen (London: T&T Clark, 2011). Wes Vander Lugt has a helpful summary of the other essays here.
In his fine book 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible, Rob Plummer gives a helpful introduction to the Theological Interpretation of Scripture (TSI):
The recent publication of many titles related to TIS demonstrates that the fascination with this hermeneutical approach is only beginning. At the same time, TIS is so new that even many Christian scholars have no clear sense of what it is. In a sentence, TIS is an academic movement that seeks to return reflection on the biblical text to the purview of the confessing Christian church. Below, we will survey the terminology, history, and characteristics of the theological interpretation of Scripture movement.
Kregel has granted permission to share the whole helpful mini-essay as a PDF.