Puritan scholar J. I. Packer strolling the stacks at the John Allen Library in Vancouver.
Puritan scholar J. I. Packer strolling the stacks at the Allison Library in Vancouver.

The John Richard Allison Library in Vancouver—which hosts the joint collections of Regent College and Carey Theological College—has now made available their entire rare Puritan collection to be read online for free. What a gift of modern technology to help us recover these gifts from the church of the past.

There are currently 80 Puritan authors in their collection, many of whose works were digitized from J. I. Packer’s private library.

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I’ve listed the entries below.

Abernathy, John. Sermons on various subjects : with a large preface containing the life of the author, Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 / Catalogue record

Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations vpon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or Canticles: vvherein the Hebrevv vvords and sentences, are compared with, and explained by the ancient . . . 1639. Read online / Catalogue record

Ainsworth, Henry. The commvnion of saincts : a treatise of the fellowship, that the faithfull haue with God, and his angels, and one with an other, . . .1628. Read online / Catalogue record

Alleine, Joseph. The grounds and principles of Christian religion, contained in a short catechism: with the proofs thereof out of the Scriptures. 1687. Read online /Catalogue record

Alleine, Joseph. A sure guide to Heaven, or, An earnest invitation to sinners to turn to God, in order to their eternal . . . 1691. Read online / Catalogue record

Alleine, Richard. The godly man’s portion and sanctuary: being a second part of Vindiciæ pietatis. 166? Read online / Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. The compleat works of that eminent minister of God’s Word Mr. Isaac Ambrose: consisting of these following treaties, viz. prima, . . . 1674. Read online / Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. The doctrine and directions, but more especially, the practice and behaviour of a man in the act of the new birth, . . . 1673. Read online /Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. Looking unto Jesus : a view of the everlasting Gospel, or,The souls eying of Jesus, as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last. 1658. Read Online / Catalogue Record

Ambrose, Isaac. Looking unto Jesus, a view of the everlasting Gospel, or, The souls eying of Jesus. 1674. Read online / Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. Ministration of and communion with angels. 1673. Read online /Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. Redeeming the time, a sermon preached at Preston in Lancashire, January 4th 1657, at the funeral of the honourable lady, the Lady Margaret Houghton . . . 1674. Read online / Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. Ultima, the last things, in reference to the first & middle things, or, certain meditations on life, death, judgement, Hell, right purgatory, and Heaven . . . 1674. Read online / Catalogue record

Ambrose, Isaac. War with devils. n.d. Read online / Catalogue record

Andrewes, Lancelot. The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large: or, A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments, with . . . 1675. 3rd ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Andrewes, Lancelot. XCVI sermons. 1635. 3rd ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Annesley, Samuel (compiled by). The morning-exercise at Cripplegate : or, Several cases of conscience practically resolved by sundry ministers, September, 1661. 1664. Read online / Catalogue record

Arrowsmith, John. Armilla catechetica: = A chain of principles; or, An orderly concatenation of theological aphorismes and . . . 1659. Read online / Catalogue record

Babington, Gervase. A verie fruitfull exposition of the Commandements by way of questions and answers for greater plainnesse: together with . . . 1615. Read online / Catalogue record

Ball, John. A treatise of faith, divided into two parts : the first shewing the nature, The second, the life of faith: Both tending to . . . 1637. 3rd ed. Read online /Catalogue record

Barrow, Isaac. A treatise of the pope’s supremacy : to which is added a discourse concerning the unity of the church. 1852. Read online / Catalogue record

Bates, William. A funeral-sermon for the reverend, holy and excellent divine, Mr. Richard Baxter, . . . 1692. 2nd ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Bates, William. The harmony of the divine attributes in the contrivance and accomplishment of man’s redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ: or, Discourses, wherein is . . . 1675. 2nd ed. Read onlineCatalogue record

Bates, William. Sermons upon death and eternal judgment …. 1683. Read online/ Catalogue record

Bates, William. Spiritual perfection, unfolded and enforced, from 2 Cor. VII. 1. 1699. Read online / Catalogue record

Bayly, Lewis. The practice of pietie : directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. 1632. 30th. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Baynes, Paul. An entire commentary vpon the vvhole epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: wherein the text is learnedly and . . . 1643. Read online /Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Against the revolt to a foreign jurisdiction, which would be to England its perjury, church-ruine, and slavery: in two parts. . . . 1691. Read online/ Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. A Christian directory: or, A summ of practical theologie, and cases of conscience . . . in four parts . . . 1673. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated : including the chief . . . 1680. Read online / Catalogue Record

Baxter, Richard. The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ: with . . . 1658.Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The cure of church-divisions: or, Directions for weak Christians, to keep them from being dividers, or troublers of the church. With some directions to the pastors, how to deal with such Christians. 1670. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The English nonconformity: as under King Charles II. and King James II / truly stated and argued. 1689. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Five disputations of church-government and worship. 1659. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The life of faith: in three parts . . . 1670. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Naked popery, or, The naked falshood of a book called The Catholick naked truth, or, . . . 1677 Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The nonconformists plea for peace, or, An account of their judgment in certain things in which they are misunderstood: written to . . . 1679.Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Of justification: four disputations clearing and amicably defending the truth, against the unnecessary oppositions of divers learned and reverend brethren. 1658. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. A paraphrase on the New Testament: with notes, doctrinal and practical, to which is added . . . 1701. 3rd. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The poor man’s family book: I. teaching him how to become a true Christian, 2. how to live as a Christian, towards God, himself and . . . 1675. 2nd ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Reliquiæ Baxterianæ: or, Mr. Richard Baxter’s narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times. 1696. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Richard Baxter’s Catholick theologie, plain, pure, peaceable, for pacification of the dogmatical word-warriours who, 1. By . . . 1675. Read online /Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The right method for a setled peace of conscience, and spiritual comfort in 32 directions / written for the use of a troubled friend, . . . 1657. 3rd. ed.Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Roman tradition examined : as it is urged as infallible against all mens senses, reason, the Holy Scripture, the tradition and . . . 1676. Read online/ Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. A saint or a brute: the certain necessity and excellency of holiness, &c. So plainly proved, and . . . 1662. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The saint’s everlasting rest: or, A treatise on the blessed state of the saints, in their enjoyment of God in heaven. Also, . . . 1765. . Read online /Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. The saints’ everlasting rest. 1830. Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. Select practical writings of Richard Baxter: with a life of the author. Vol 1. 1835. Volume 1 Volume 2 / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. A sermon preached at the funeral of that holy, painful . . . 1678.Read online / Catalogue record

Baxter, Richard. A treatise of episcopacy: confuting by Scripture, reason, and the churches testimony that sort of diocesan churches, prelacy and government, which casteth out the primitive church-species, episcopacy, ministry and . . . 1681.  Read online / Catalogue record

Blake, Thomas. Vindiciae foederis: or, A treatise of the covenant of God entered with man-kinde, in the several kindes and degrees of it in which . . . 1653. Read online / Catalogue record

Bolton, Robert. A three-fold treatise containing the saints, sure and peretuall guide, selfe-enriching examination, soule-fatting fasting: or, Meditations, concerning the Word, the sacrament of the Lords Supper, and . . . 1634. Read online / Catalogue record

Bolton, Robert. The workes of the reverend, truly pious, and iudiciously learned Robert Bolton . . . 1641. Read online / Catalogue record

Boston, Thomas. Human nature in its fourfold state: of primitive integrity, entire depravation, begun recovery, and consummate happiness or misery. Subsisting in  . . . 1769. 18th ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Boston, Thomas. Memoirs of the life, time, and writings, of the reverend and learned Thomas Boston. 1805. Read online / Catalogue record

Boston, Thomas. A view of the covenant of grace from the sacred records wherein the parties in that covenant, the making of it, its parts . . .  1755. Read online / Catalogue record

Brightman, Thomas. The Revelation of St. Iohn : illustrated with an analysis & scholions wherein the sense is opened by the Scripture . . .1644. 4th ed. /Read online / Catalogue record

Brown, John. The life of justification opened, or, A treatise grounded upon Gal. 2, II [i.e. 3.11] : wherein . . . 1695. Read online / Catalogue record

Bunyan, John. Grace abounding to the chief of sinners, or, A brief and faithful relation of the exceeding mercy of God in Christ to . . . 1692. Read online /Catalogue record

Burgess, Anthony. Spiritual refining: or, A treatise of grace and assurance wherein are handled the doctrine of assurance, the use of signs in self-examination, how . . . 1652. Read online / Catalogue record

Burgess, Anthony. Spiritual refining, part II : or, A treatise of sinne with its causes, differences, mitigations and aggravations . . . 1654. Read online / Catalogue record

Burroughs, Jeremiah. The eighth book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs : being a treatise of the evil of evils, or the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Wherein is . . .  1654.Read online / Catalogue record

Burroughs, Jeremiah. The excellency of a gracious spirit : delivered in a treatise upon the 14 of Numbers, vers. 24 : together with Moses, his self-deniall. 1640.Read online / Catalogue record

Burroughs, Jeremiah. Gospel conversation: wherein is shewed I. How the conversation of beleevers must be above . . . 1653. Read online / Catalogue record

Burroughs, Jeremiah.  Gospel remission: or, A treatise shewing that true blessedness consists in pardon of sin, being several . . . 1674. 2nd ed. Read online / Catalogue record 

Burroughs, Jeremiah. Gospel-revelation in three treatises: viz. 1. The nature of God. 2. The excellence of . . . 1660. Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations upon the three first chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1669. Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1671 Read online /Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth and tenth chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1669.  Read online /Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practicall observations continued upon the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteen chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1670.Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1671.  Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practicall observations continued upon the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-one chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1658. Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the twenty-second, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1659. Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the twenty-seventh, the twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1670. Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practicall observations continued upon the thirtieth and thirty first chapters of the booke of Job: . . . 1659. Read online /Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the thirty second, the thirty third, and the thirty fourth chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1669.Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, and thirty-seventh chapters of the book of Job: . . . 1664. Read online / Catalogue record

Caryl, Joseph. An exposition with practical observations continued upon the thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth, fortieth, forty-first, and forty-second (being the five last) chapters of the Book of Job: . . . 1666. Read online / Catalogue record

Clarke, Samuel. Medulla theologiæ; or, The marrovv of divinity : contained in sundry questions and cases of conscience, both speculative, and . . . 1659. Read online / Catalogue record

Cleaver, Robert. A plaine and familiar exposition of the first and second chapters of the Prouerbes of Salomon. 1614. Read online / Catalogue record

Davenant, John. Animadversions upon a treatise intitled, Gods love to mankind 1641. Read online / Catalogue record

Dod, John. A plain and familiar exposition of the ten commandments: with a methodical short catechisme containing briefly the principall grounds of Christian religion. n.d.  Read online / Catalogue record

Downame, John. The Christian warfare: wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems . . . Vol. 1. 1608. 2nd. ed. Read online /Catalogue record

Downame, John. Foure treatises, tending to disswade all Christians from foure no lesse hainous than common sinnes, namely. . . 1613. Read online / Catalogue record

Downame, John. A godly and learned treatise of prayer : which both conteineth in it the doctrine of . . . 1640. Read online / Catalogue record

Downame, John. The second part of the Christian warfare : or, The contempt of the world, tending to arme and confirme the weake Christian … (Vol 2). 1611.Read online / Catalogue record

Downame, John. The summe of sacred diuinitie first briefly & methodically propounded : and then more largly & cleerely handled and explaned. 1630. Read online / catalogue record

Durham, James. Heaven upon earth : in the serene tranquillity and calm composure, in the sweet peace and solid joy of a good conscience . . . 1732. Read online / Catalogue Record

Dyke, Daniel. The mystery of selfe-deceiving, or, A discovuse and discovery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart. 1642. Read online / Catalogue record

Featly, Daniel. Threnoikos: the house of mourning, furnished with directions for preparations to meditations of consolations at the hour of death: delivered in . . . 1672. Read online / Catalogue record

Fenner, William. The souls looking-glasse, lively representing its estate before God : with a treatise . . . 1651. Read online / Catalogue record

Fenner, William. A treatise of the affections : or, The soules pulse, wherby a Christian may know whether he be living or dying, . . . 1642. Read online /Catalogue record

Fenner, William. Wilfull impenitency the grossest self-murder: all they who are guilty of it, apprehended, tried, and condemned in these . . .  1658.  5th. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Fenner, William. The works of the learned and faithful minister of Gods word … : in four treatises. To which is annexed . . . 1651. Read online / Catalogue record

Fleming, Robert. The confirming work of religion. 1743. Read online / Catalogue record

Fonseca, Christobel de. Devout contemplations : expressed in two and fortie sermons upon all ye quadragesimall gospells. 1629. Read online / Catalogue record

Fraser, James. A treatise concerning justifying or saving faith: wherein the nature of faith is largely handled; particularly, what respects the act of faith; the manner of . . . 1722. Read online / Catalogue record

Goodwin, Thomas. The tryall of a Christians growth : in mortification, vivification, or purging out corruption. Bringing forth . . . 1650. Read online / Catalogue record

Goodwin, Thomas. The vanity of thovghts discovered: with their danger and cvre. 1637. Read online / Catalogue record

Goodwin, Thomas. The works of Thomas Goodwin, D.D., sometime president of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford. Various dates. Volume 1 Volume 2 / Catalogue record

Greenham, Richard. The workes of the reverend and faithfull servant of Jesus Christ, M. Richard Greenham, minister and preacher of the word of God. 1601. 3rd ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Grey, Zachary. An impartial examination of the second volume of Mr. Daniel Neal’s History of the Puritans: in which the reflections of that author, upon King James I. and King Charles I. are proved to be . . . 1736. Read online / Catalogue record

Grosse, Alexander. The happines of enjoying and making a trve and speedy use of Christ: setting forth, first,. . .. 1647. Read online / Catalogue record

Grosse, Alexander. Sweet and soule-perswading inducements leading unto Christ … 1632. Read online / Catalogue record

Hale, Matthew.The judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale, . . . (1684). Read online / Catalogue record

Haywood, Oliver. Closet-prayer a Christian duty, or, A treatise upon Mat. VI, 6. tending to prove that worship of God in secret is the indispensible duty of all Christians . . .. 1687. Read online / Catalogue record

Haywood, Oliver. Heart-treasure: or, An essay tending to fil [sic] and furnish the head and heart of every Christian . . ., being the substance of some sermons preached at Coley in Yorkshire on Mat. 12. 35 . . .. 1667. Read online / Catalogue record

Hieron, Samuel. The sermons of Master Samuel Hieron: formerly collected together by himselfe, and published in one volume in his life time. 1624. Read online / Catalogue record

Hoadly, Benjamin. The reasonableness of conformity to the Church of England represented to the dissenting ministers. . .1703. 2nd. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Hooker, Thomas. The sovles effectvall calling to Christ 1637. Read online /Catalogue record

Horne, Robert. Of the rich man and Lazarvs : certaine sermons. 1619. Read online / Catalogue record

Jackson, Arthur. A help for the understanding of the Holy Scripture : intended . . .. 1643.  Read online / Catalogue record

Keach, Benjamin.The display of glorious grace: or, The covenant of peace, opened in fourteen sermons lately preached, in which the errors of . . . 1698. Read online / Catalogue record

Keach, Benjamin. Tropologia, a key to open scripture metaphors in four books: to which are prefixed, arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures…together with types of the Old Testament; . . . 1779. Read online /Catalogue record

Maddox, Isaac. A vindication of the government, doctrine, and worship, of the Church of England: established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : against the injurious reflections of Mr. Neal, in his late History of the Puritans  . . . 1740. Read online / Catalogue record

Manton, Thomas. A practical commentary, or, An exposition with notes on the Epistle of James: delivered in sundry weekly lectures at Stoke-Newington in Middlesex, neer London. 1651. Read online / Catalogue record

Manton, Thomas. A second volume of sermons preached by the late reverend and learned Thomas Manton, D.D. In two parts. The first containing . . .  1684.Read online / Catalogue record

Marshall, Walter.The gospel-mystery of sanctification opened : in sundry practical directions, suited especially to the case of those who labor under the guilt and power of . . . 1788. Read online / Catalogue record

Mather, Samuel. The figures or types of the Old Testament: by which Christ and the heavenly things of the Gospel were preached and shadowed to . . . 1705. 2nd. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Neal, Daniel. The history of the Puritans: or Protestant non-conformists, from the reformation under King Henry VIII, to the Act of Toleration under . . . Vol 1. 1754. 2nd. ed. Volume 1 Volume 2 / Catalogue record

Owen, John. Christologia: or, A declaration of the glorious mystery of the person of Christ, God and man, with the infinite wisdom, love and power . . . 1679. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. Christologia: or, A declaration of the glorious mystery of the person of Christ, God and man, with the infinite . . . 1819. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. A discourse concerning the Holy Spirit: wherein an account is given of His name, nature, personality, dispensation . . . 1816. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. The doctrine of justification by faith through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ, explained, confirmed, & vindicated. 1677. Read online /Catalogue record

Owen, John. The doctrine of the saints perseverance, explained and confirmed: … and vindicated in a full answer to the discourse of . . . 1654. Read online /Catalogue record

Owen, John. An enquiry into the original, nature, institution, power, order and communion of evangelical churches: the first part, with . . . 1681. Read online /Catalogue record

Owen, John. Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrevvs : Also concerning the Messiah. Wherein the promises concerning him to be . . . 1668. Read online /Catalogue record

Owen, John. The forgiveness of sin: illustrated in a practical exposition of Psalm 130. 18xx. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. The grace and duty of being spiritually minded, declared and practically improved. 1844. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ. In two parts. I. In His person, office, and . . . 1815. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. A practical exposition on the 130th Psalm : wherein the nature of the forgiveness of sin is declared, . . . 1669. Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. Two discourses concerning the Holy Spirit and his work: the one of the Spirit as a comforter; the other, as he is the author of spiritual gifts . . . 1816.Read online / Catalogue record

Owen, John. The works of the late Reverend and learned John Owen: containing several scarce and valuable discourses; with A display of Arminianism. 1721.Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. A case of conscience the greatest that ever was and how . . . 1957. Read online  / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. A commentarie or exposition vpon the fiue first chapters of the Epistle to the Galatians. 1604. Read online / Catalogue Record

Perkins, William. A declaration of the trve manner of knovving Christ crucified. 1597. Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. A direction for the government of the tongve, according to Gods word. 1597. Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. An exposition of the Lord’s Prayer: in the way of . . . 1597. Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. The fovndation of Christian religion: gathered into sixe principles. And it is to be learned of ignorant. 1597. Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. A golden chaine, or, The description of theologie: containing the order of the causes of saluation. 1597. Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. A salve for a sicke man: or, a Treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death: as also the right manner . . . 1597. Read online /Catalogue record

Perkins, William. Tvvo treatises: I. Of the nature and practise of repentance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit. 1597. 2nd ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Perkins, William. The workes of that famous and worthy minister of Christ in the universitie of Cambridge, Mr. William Perkins. 1613. Volume 2 Volume 3 /Catalogue record

Perkins, William. The vvorkes of that famous and vvorthy minister of Christ in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, Mr. William Perkins. The first volume: newly corrected . . . 1626. Vol. 1. Read online / Catalogue record

Pierson, Thomas. Excellent encouragements against afflictions, or, Expositions of four select Psalmes . . . 1647. Read online / Catalogue record

Polhill, Edward. Precious faith considered in its nature, working, and growth. 1675. Read onlinee / Catalogue record

Preston, John. Fovre godly and learned treatises, intituled, 1. A remedie against Covetousnesse. 2. An elegant and lively description of spirituall death and . . . 1633. 3rd. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Preston, John. The golden scepter held forth to the humble: With the Chvrches dignitie by her marriage. And the Chvrches dvtie  . . . 1638. Read online /Catalogue record

Preston, John. Life eternall, or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes .. . 1634. 4th. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Preston, John. A liveles life, or, Mans spirituall death in sinne: wherein is both learnedly and profitably handled these foure doctrines, the spirituall death in . . . 1635. Read online / Catalogue record

Preston, John. The new covenant, or, The saints portion: a treatise vnfolding the all-sufficiencie of God, man’s uprightness, and the covenant of grace: delivered . . . 1634. 8th. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Preston, John. The saints qvalification : or, A treatise I. Of humiliation, in tenne sermons. II. Of sanctification, in nine. . . 1637. 3rd. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Preston, John. Sins overthrow, or, A godly and learned treatise of mortification: wherein is excellently handled first, the generall doctrine of mortification, and . . . 1633. Read online / Catalogue record

Preston, John. Three sermons vpon the sacrament of the Lords Supper. 1631.Read online / Catalogue record

Quarles, Francis. Divine poems: containing the history of [brace] Jonah, Ester, Job, Sampson: together with Sions [brace] sonnets, elegies. 1669. Read online /Catalogue record

Reynolds, Edward. Israel’s prayer in time of trouble with God’s gracious answer : an explication of 14 chapters of Hosea in seven sermons. 1831. Read online /Catalogue record

Reynolds, Edward. Three treatises of The vanity of the creature, The sinfullnesse of sinne, The life of Christ : being the substance of several sermons preached at Lincolns Inne. 1632. 4th. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Rous, Francis. The arte of happines: consisting of three parts, whereof: The first, searcheth out the happinesse of man. The second, particularly discouers and approues it. The third, . . . 1619. Read online / Catalogue record

Sclater, William. An exposition with notes vpon the first and second Epistles to the Thessalonians. 1627. Read online / Catalogue record

Scougal, Henry. The works of the Reverend Mr. Henry Scougal, Professor of Divinity in the King’s College, Aberdeen: containing The Life of God in . . . 1759.Read online / Catalogue record

Serle, Ambrose. Horæ solitariæ : or, essays upon some remarkable names and titles of Jesus Christ, occurring in the Old Testament, and declarative of his essential . . . 1776. Read online / Catalogue record

Sheffeild, John. A good conscience the strongest hold : a treatise of conscience, handling the nature, acts, offices, use of conscience: the description . . . 1650.Read online / Catalogue record

Sibbes, Richard. Bowels opened: or, A discovery of the neare and deare love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church, and . . . 1641. Read online /Catalogue record

Sibbes, Richard. Light from heaven: discovering the Fountaine opened. Angels acclamations. Churches riches. Rich povertie : in foure treatises. 1638. Read online / Catalogue record

Sylvester, Matthew. Elisha’s cry after Elijah’s God consider’d and apply’d: with reference to the decease of the late Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter, who left . . . 1696. Read online / Catalogue record

Taylor, Thomas. Christ revealed, or, The Old Testament explained : a treatise of the types and shadowes of our Saviovr contained throughout . . . 1635. Read online / Catalogue record

Taylor, Thomas. A commentarie upon the Epistle of Saint Paul written to Titvs / preached in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for . . . 1619. Read online / Catalogue record.

Tillotson, John. The works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: containing . . . 1712. Volume 1 Volume 2 / Catalogue record

Trapp, John. A commentary or exposition upon the four evangelists, and the Acts of the Apostles : wherein the text is explained, some . . . 1647. Read online/Catalogue record

Venning, Ralph. A warning to back-sliders, or, A discovery for the recovery of fallen ones : delivered in a sermon at Pauls, before . . . 1654. Read online /Catalogue record

Vincent, Thomas. The death of ministers improved, or, An exhortation to the inhabitants of Horsley in Glocestershire, and others, . . . 1678. Read online /Catalogue record.

Vines, Richard.  The purifying of unclean hearts and hands: opened in a sermon . . . . 1646. Read Online / Catalogue Record

Watts, Isaac. Sermons and practical works of the late Isaac Watts, Vol. 1. 1805.Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 / Catalogue record

Watts, Isaac. The works of the Rev. Isaac Watts. Vol 1. 1812. Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume9 /Catalogue record

Webster, John. The judgement set, and the bookes opened : and all religion brought to triall: whether it be of God or man. The Lord himself . . . 1654. Read online / Catalogue record

Williams, John. The divine institution, order and government, of a visible church of Christ, according to the direction . . . 178?. Read online / Catalogue record.

Wilson, Thomas. A commentary on the most divine epistle of St. Paul to the Romans : containing for matter, . .. 1653. 3rd. ed. Read online / Catalogue record

Wright, Paul. The new and complete life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ : that great example, as well as . . .  1788. Read online / Catalogue record

HT: Mark Tubbs

Quick Refresher: Who Were the Puritans?

The Puritan period can be identified in different ways based upon different historical definitions, but a commonly identified timeframe for Puritanism would be 1560-1659, flourishing in the mid-seventeenth century (1640s-1650s).

The Elizabethan English church of the mid-sixteenth century held to a combination of

  • Calvinistic theology,
  • Erastian ecclesiology, and
  • medieval liturgy.

The so-called “Puritans” (originally a term of derision) of England and New England sought to return the church to its Reformational roots and to further reform it to its pure and biblical foundations. They modeled their church reforms after that which had occurred in Switzerland (especially Geneva and Zurich). The result was a renewal and revival movement that stressed

  • fellowship and communion with the triune God;
  • a generally Augustinian understanding of fallen human nature and the necessity of sovereign grace;
  • dependence on the Holy Spirit for all of life;
  • the necessity of Scripture as being the authoritative and sufficient guide for faith and practice;
  • the elevation of preaching the Bible as the central means of grace;
  • a sober-minded and detailed assessment of one’s spiritual condition to arrive at genuine assurance;
  • a disdain for the sacramental practices and remnants of Roman Catholic spirituality, including kneeling at the elements or wearing special gowns for preaching;
  • a high stress on the Sabbath as the most significant moral command and strict rules prohibiting even recreation on the Lord’s day; and
  • a priority on determining the exact ecclesiastic blueprint of Scripture, devoid of unbiblical traditions and commands that could distort or distract from the reform of true God-honoring worship.

For some guides into the literature and theology of Puritanism, I would recommend:
