
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7

Heavenly Father, whether we still have the undiminished vision of an eagle, need the benefit of glasses or contact lenses, or are, literally, physically blind, there is a way of seeing that we all need and can all have as the gospel does its work in our lives. Your words to Samuel have lasting import and multiple applications.

Even if we could see with 20/15 or 20/10 vision, if we’re only focusing on the “outward appearance” of people and things, we’re still not seeing as you intend. Our plea is profoundly simply: Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. Show us more of Jesus’ beauty and bounty; and as we see Jesus more clearly, help us to see everyone and everything else from his perspective.

Help us to see people with gospel eyes. Father, when we only see people with the distortions, prejudices and limitations of our fallen hearts, we don’t really “see” them. When it’s easier only to see the things in people that disappoint, irritate or inconvenience us, make their dignity, brokenness and your image in them much more obvious to us.

Forgive us and free us when we only see people in terms of how they might harm or help us. Expand our depth vision so we can see where people fit in your larger story of redemption and restoration. Help us to see what you see in our spouses, our children, our friends, our neighbors, strangers… even in our enemies.

Help us to see creation with gospel eyes. Father, don’t let us look at oceans and mountains, sunrises and sunsets, flora and fauna, or even weather patterns just in terms of ourselves and our plans. Let us see your majesty and glory everywhere.

Help us to see hard providences and difficult circumstances with gospel eyes. Let us see you in the whirlwind, in the loss, the storm, even in the betrayal. May our humble cry for a changed heart become much louder than our demanding cry for temporary relief. May an earnest cry for mercy (for ourselves and others) be much more regular than a self-righteous cry for justice.

Help us to see pain and suffering with gospel eyes. Father, sometimes seeing all the crucibles, crises, and cruel stories of life… they make us want to run, hide, fix, or deny. Help us to see with the eyes of Jesus when overwhelming needs are staring us down, and tracking us down. Give us a tantalizing and hope-engendering vision of the new heaven and new earth; and help us to see how our glorious future impacts the crazy, broken present.

Abba, Father, because of what you have done for us in Jesus, we no longer fear what you see in us. O, the freedom, peace and joy we have in being thoroughly seen by you and passionately loved by you. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ powerful and healing name.
