
No More Anti-Grace Thoughts, Words, and Deeds

The LORD will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore” Isa.2:4


Lord Jesus, no matter our passport, flag, or time zone, all of us crave the Day when Isaiah’s vision, (your promise), will be fulfilled. It’s hard to imagine that our forever includes nothing hurting or destroying anywhere in the new heaven and new earth. Hallelujah… “for as the waters fill the sea, so the earth will be filled with your glory and people who know the LORD” (Isa. 11:9).

In the USA, Memorial Day is a day we honor those who died to defend our country’s peace. Other countries, appropriately, have their own version of this day of memory and gratitude. But above all, we thank you for paying the full price to end all sin and death, and usher in your shalom and beauty everywhere.

You are Prince of Peace because you came as Lamb of God. We live in anticipation of the Day when all swords, tanks, and nuclear weapons will become tillers, tractors, and trellises of life-giving fruit. Nations won’t invade and exploit each other. We will celebrate and serve one another as your every-nation Bride.

Our “forever-curriculum” won’t be war-learning but love-learning. All malevolence, meanness, and madness will be forever gone. Not one scintilla of selfishness will survive your coming, Jesus. Every anti-grace thought, word, and deed will be replaced with the fullness of your truth, goodness, and beauty.

Please come soon, Lord Jesus. Until you do, fill our lives with bold kindness and compassionate courage. Renew our love for you, Jesus. So Very Amen.


