
an international journal for students of theological and religious studies

  • VOLUME 45
  • ISSUE 2
  • August 2020
  • VOLUME 45
  • ISSUE 2


The concept of personhood is crucial for our understanding of what it is to be human...

This article considers whether “The Woman Caught in Adultery” (John 7:53–8:11) should be preached...

During the American Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King’s principal arguments reasoned from theological ethics, appealing to natural law, imago Dei, and agape love...

Many churches switched to streaming or recording their services during the COVID-19 crisis...

The sixteenth century Reformation debate primarily centered upon the interpretation of Scripture...

Paul cites Leviticus 18:5 in Galatians 3:12 in order to support that “no one is justified before God by the law” (Gal 3:11)...

Two Kingdoms doctrine distinguishes between the common kingdom, the created order common to all life that will one day come to an end, and the redemptive kingdom, the church and those called to consummation into the world to come at the end of the current age...

Many believe that because Martin Luther called James an “epistle of straw” he wished to remove it from Scripture...

Reformed paedobaptism generally argues from continuity with the Abrahamic covenant, situating infant baptism as a continuation of infant circumcision...

Book Reviews