an international journal for students of theological and religious studies
- December 2022
Featured Articles
This article surveys the life and ministry of James Innell Packer (1926–2020), evangelical Anglican, theologian, author, Bible translator, and church renewal advocate...
The purpose of this article is to help the reader conceptualize and imagine the Holy Spirit as a real person with a distinct and knowable personality—a person of the Trinity more accessible to our faith, reading of Scripture, and worship...
J. I. Packer’s theological works have wielded remarkable influence on the landscape of North American evangelicalism...
Numerical Symbolism in the Book of Revelation: A Weakness of Modern Bible Versions
by Michael KuykendallSeveral modern Bible versions do a disservice to John’s use of numbers in the book of Revelation...
The Young J. I. Packer as a ‘New Warfield’? A Chapter in the Post-1930 Revival of Reformed Theology
by Kenneth J. StewartJ. I. Packer (1926–2020) first came to the attention of the reading public with a 1953 essay in the second printing of the New Bible Commentary...
The purpose of this article is to help the reader conceptualize and imagine the Holy Spirit as a real person with a distinct and knowable personality—a person of the Trinity more accessible to our faith, reading of Scripture, and worship...
A Biblical-Theological Framework for Human Sexuality: Applications to Private Sexuality
by Trent A. Rogers and John K. TarwaterWhat are good sexual acts? It is not that surprising when cultural voices, without reference to God, argue for the inherent goodness of all “unharmful” sexual desires and acts...
Heaven’s War upon the Earth: How to Turn a Moderate 17th Century Pastor into a Radical
by Nathan ParkerThere appears a strong apocalyptical expectation in the writings of the 17th century Puritan pastor John Flavel (1628–1691), but, as this paper will argue, this materialized in his later writings...
The Cryptic Saying of Isaiah 28:10, 13 and Paul’s Controversy over Tongues in 1 Corinthians 14:20–25
by Etienne JodarWhile the study of the New Testament use of the Old Testament has received much attention in the last decades, this discipline has not generally had much bearing on translation...
This article draws on lesser-known primary sources to argue for the formative influence of C...
“The Sanctification of Our Speech”: The Theological Function of Truth and Falsehood in John Webster’s “Sins of Speech”
by Robb TorsethThe contemporary debate concerning truth and falsehood has become distinctly conspicuous in light of recent global events...
This article surveys the life and ministry of James Innell Packer (1926–2020), evangelical Anglican, theologian, author, Bible translator, and church renewal advocate...