Scripture in the Thought of Soren Kierkegaard

Written by L. Joseph Rosas III Reviewed By Stephen N. Williams

Many encounter Kierkegaard under some label like ‘existentialist’; in connection with some phrase like ‘the leap of faith’; and sporting the colours of a philosopher of irrationalism. One is not long into a serious investigation of Kierkegaard before he emerges as a distinctive figure, definitely misunderstood if apprehended under any label, brilliant as a thinker and writer, whether he got it right or wrong or a bit of both. Rosas has undertaken to add to the slew of literature on Kierkegaard by writing on his view of Scripture. An appendix of almost 40 pages lists all the references Kierkegaard made to biblical passages in the works treated in this book.

Stephen N. Williams

Stephen Williams is professor of systematic theology at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and served as general editor of Themelios from 1995 to 1999.