Heart-Ache, Blessings-Flow, Clapping-Trees

  “You shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isa 55:12

Lord Jesus, from the stable of your birth, through the sufferings on your cross, to the sky by your ascension, you’ve proven yourself to be the resounding “Yes!” to every promise God has made. Hallelujah, thank you, and Oh, how we ache.

Not like a tooth-ache, or tummy-ache—we heart-ache for the fullness and forever of Isaiah’s vision. Jesus, we are so ready for singing mountains and clapping trees—the eternal Day of peace and joy, in us and all around us. The certainty of our future makes life between your two comings good and hard. Good, because it’s true; hard, because we want it now.

Until then, you are ruling the universe with a heart of mercy, from a throne of grace. Eternal discretion—not evil machinations or human manipulation, is “running the show.” Because of your unrivaled sovereignty and great love for us, we can live with hope, engagement, and patience.

Because of your gentleness and kindness, we can risk loving those around us (even the “snarky “ones). And we can be those through whom your “blessings flow, far as the curse is found.” Here’s to a life of heart-ache, blessings-flow, and clapping-trees. So very Amen we pray, Jesus, in your glorious and grace-full name.

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