Church as bubble

A church is a delicate thing, like a bubble, easily burst.  Inside that bubble is a safety zone of immense significance for people.  Inside that bubble sinners can receive grace according to the biblical gospel.  They can start seeing God in a new way, they can see themselves in a new way, they can grow and change and enjoy the adventure.

The deal-breaker inside that bubble is not personal sins.  They don’t have to burst the bubble.  The deal-breaker, such that a pastor and elders must intervene, is making the internal dynamics of a church indistinguishable from the surrounding worldly environment of blame-shifting — what we see constantly in political discourse, for example.  The thin film of differentiation, our true “separation” from the world, is the gospel of grace in both our theology and our sociology.

A wonderful place to be, a precious treasure to guard, and, for all its weakness, a mighty force for good.