ESV Reading Plans as Podcasts

Thanks to Mike Anderson for reminding me that you can also subscribe to the ESV audio podcast in such a way that it coincides with the reading schedules. Here’s how to subscribe to this in iTunes:

  1. Go to the ESV Reading Plans page.
  2. Right-click (Ctrl-click on a Mac) the “RSS” link of the feed you want.
  3. Choose “Copy Link Location” or “Copy Shortcut.”
  4. Start iTunes.
  5. Choose Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast
  6. Paste the URL from step three into the box.
  7. Click OK.
I really believe in the value of not just reading, but hearing, God’s Word. Here’s something from a post I wrote last year:

In listening to an old lecture recently by J. I. Packer, he made the comment that it was not until after the 17th century (as far as he could tell) that people started doing silent prayers and reading as opposed to praying and reading out loud.

For most evangelicals, silence represents the vast majority of our reading and praying. But I wonder if that’s to our detriment. One of the great enemies to Bible reading and praying is a wandering mind—and one of the great ways to make your mind wander is to do everything in your mind without involving your voice and ears!

. . . Here’s something else to consider: the entire Bible on audio is usually about 75 hours (or 4500 minutes). If you commute to work 5 days a week, that’s about 260 days a year. And if it takes you, say, 17 minutes to commute each way to work—and if you listen to the Bible on audio during your drive each way—you’ll get through the entire Bible twice in a year.

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