Did You Tell Anyone?

Our family recently got away for a refreshing summer trip to the beach. With a lot of kids comes a lot of curiosity and imagination. The ocean proves to be a suitable playmate and stimulant for both. Add to this the summer news of shark attacks and you have the potential for some exciting moments on the beach.

One day one of our children recalled that they saw a shark fin sticking out of the water. After the story was told later in the day, a friend of ours who lives there on the coast asked a good question: “Did you tell anyone?”

Her point was clear: if you really did see a shark then you really should have run up and down the beach warning others to get out of the water. But, if you might have seen something or imagined it or hoped to see it–then you would probably just talk about it with friends and siblings.

As I thought about that exchange throughout the day the application for evangelism is appropriate. Do we really believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Do we really believe that he died on the cross for our sins? Do we really believe that Jesus is God in the flesh? Or do we just hope that it is true?

Similiar to potential shark sitings I guess you could tell by who you tell. Do you simply talk about it with friends and family–those in comfortable settings? Or, do you warn others–strangers and friends alike–because it is the right thing to do?

Do you really believe the gospel? Well, will you tell anyone?