Truth and Community: Diversity and Its Limits in the Ecumenical Movement

Written by Michael Kinnamon Reviewed By Craig L. Blomberg

Evangelicals who pay scant attention to the ecumenical movement will be surprised to learn about some of the directions it has recently taken. Two of the most significant include a diminution of attempts at institutional unity at the expense of the distinctives of individual theological traditions (one of the most objectionable features of an earlier ecumenism for many evangelicals) and increasingly positive overtures toward evangelical theology (favours not always returned in kind!). This book continues both of these developments and reproaches both the WCC and fundamentals for preaching truncated versions of the gospel. Even though many evangelicals may feel that Kinnamon tolerates too much diversity, his discussion deserves a wide hearing.

Craig L. Blomberg

Craig L. Blomberg
Denver Seminary
Denver, Colorado, USA