3 False Stories that Hinder Discipleship

Western culture is writing a new narrative with what seems like every page turn. Whether it’s the false narrative of the American dream telling us that personal success is the purpose of life, or an Enlightenment mindset telling us to shed the superstitions of the past and embrace the advancements of the future, or the sexual revolution telling us the key to flourishing is sexual self-expression, these narratives run counter to the story of redemption we find in God’s Word. Moreover, they seep their way into our own consciousness as Christians, subtly influencing our thinking and living.

Why should Christians care about these competing narratives? How should we speak as we encounter them with our neighbors and coworkers? What does the storyline of Scripture have to do with the storyline of our culture? How can church leaders help their congregations engage these false narratives thoughtfully and biblically? In this seven-minute video, TGC’s Mark Mellinger sits down with Trevin Wax, managing editor of The Gospel Project, to consider these questions and more.

Wax shows us how steeping ourselves in the biblical storyline helps us distinguish the real thing from false things—and how to speak truthfully into the stories others are telling themselves. God has called Christians to have a “missionary encounter” with the world. He has not placed us in this context on accident. We must confront the false narratives confronting us and driving our culture with the story of Scripture and the truth of the gospel. This conversation teaches us how.