
The Internet Needs More Gospel

More Videos

2020 is not the year anyone planned. . . or hoped for. COVID-19 forced us inside. Much of life moved online.

Before the pandemic, we were already spending a lot of time online—probably too much time. But COVID has driven us even more into virtual, mediated existence. More news. More social media. More exposure to fake news, conspiracy theories, partisan bias, and other toxic information.

The internet has a way of bringing out the worst in all of us. It’s often a dark and hopeless place, and it’s forming us in powerful, and often negative, ways.

We urgently need spaces of healthy Christian formation online. At The Gospel Coalition, we want to be an online space where gospel-centered truth shines. We want to offer hope for the searching.

Through our online articles, videos, podcasts, and other resources, we want to provide trusted truth. We want to provide timely application of the unchanging truth of God’s Word. This is the sort of voice TGC wants to be in our noisy world: Trusted and timely. Winsome and wise. 

Would you consider giving $50, $100, $250, or more to help TGC continue offering gospel-centered truth and hope for the searching?

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Your year-end gift to TGC will enable us to continue offering our online resources for free to people all over the world.

Thanks for supporting The Gospel Coalition!
