Modern Trinitarian Perspectives

Written by John Thompson Reviewed By Stephen N. Williams

The doctrine of the Trinity continues to attract a lot of attention amongst contemporary theological writers. Now we have a contribution from the pen of John Thompson, former Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological College, Belfast, and a leading commentator on the theology of Karl Barth. Thompson deals with a number of theologians from several confessional and denominational backgrounds: Barth Torrance, Moltmann, Boff, Zizioulas, Lossky, Gunton, Newbigin, Wainwright and the Hansons. The book is organized around certain themes, including mission, worship and politics as well as cross and resurrection in relation to the Trinity. It is designed to acquaint both students and theological teachers with the work that has been done on the Trinity over the last twenty years.

Stephen N. Williams

Stephen Williams is professor of systematic theology at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and served as general editor of Themelios from 1995 to 1999.