Guide to Contemporary Culture

Written by Gene Edward Veith Reviewed By Stephen N. Williams

The terms ‘postmodernism’ and ‘postmodenity’ abound in academic circles these days, their popularity undiminished by the fact that they can prove difficult to define or that they can be regarded as misnomers, best replaced by the more pedestrian ‘late modernity’. Still, whatever is afoot, this book offers a guide to contemporary culture under the rubric of postmodernism. It is divided into four parts, dealing with postmodern thought, art, society and religion. It is written ‘for the church as a whole, and not for academic specialists’, and includes both a description and a Christian response. Its wide range should help readers form a general, not merely piecemeal, judgement on some typical features of the age in which we live.

Stephen N. Williams

Stephen Williams is professor of systematic theology at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and served as general editor of Themelios from 1995 to 1999.