God in Three Persons: Biblical Testimony to the Trinity

Written by Allen Vander Pol Reviewed By Daniel Strange

This little book does exactly what it says it will do in the title by simply outlining the biblical evidence for the Trinity. Vander Pol’s format is interesting because the first three chapters concentrate on each of the three Persons starting with Christ and then relating the other two Persons to Christ, so ‘The God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ’ and ‘The Spirit of Christ’. There then follow other three chapters. The first one summarises what has been said so far (There is only one true God; This one true God exists as three distinct persons; Each person is fully divine). The next which shows the Trinity in the economy of salvation and looks Titus 3 and Ephesians 1. Finally there is one which answers common objections to the doctrine. Each chapter is accompanied by a number of questions for review and further thought. Vander Pol does not get bogged down in technical theological terms and concepts such as perichoresis, filioque and autotheos, but this is not the aim of a book.

I think this book will be really helpful to new Christians and is an excellent, and user-friendly introduction to the unique doctrine of orthodox Christian belief.

Daniel Strange

Daniel Strange is director of Crosslands Forum, a centre for cultural engagement and missional innovation, and contributing editor of Themelios. He is a fellow of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.