A Feminist Companion to Samuel and Kings, (The Feminist Companion to the Bible 5)

Written by A. Brenner Reviewed By Richard S. Hess

This book is one in a series of Feminist Companions that Sheffield Academic Press is publishing under the general editorship of A. Brenner. These volumes consist of a collection of articles related to the Bible book or books and discussing matters of interest to feminist interpretation. Here, as in other volumes in this series, some of the articles are reprints while others are written for the volume. In the represent volume, between one and four articles appear under each of five headings: (1) Women as vehicles for historiography: liminality and anonymity; (2) A model mother: Hannah; (3) Women and monarchs: Queen mothers?; (4) Female, femaleness/prophets, prophecy; (5) Women in later historiography and history.

Richard S. Hess

Denver Seminary, Denver