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I want to argue that there are some important parallels between the scepticism that Augustine encountered and some contemporary ways of handling the Bible...

We often associate atheism with a very high, indeed arrogant, view of what a human being is...

‘Just right’. This is the key refrain in the Goldilocks story as she tries out the chairs, porridge, and beds of the three bears, whose home she has entered (apparently illegally, but nothing turns on that)...

‘The wisest and the best of men—nay, the wisest and best of their actions—may be rendered ridiculous by a person whose first object in life is a joke...

One of the most unnerving things you can read is John Milton’s great poem Paradise Lost...

As I write this the UK Parliament is considering Clause 1(1) of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill...

People rightly note the way Christians in English-speaking Western culture have moved in a generation from being ‘moral majority’ to ‘immoral minority’...

Does someone have the right to harm their own soul? Or if you don’t much like the talk of ‘soul’, does someone have the right to do themselves moral harm? For many years the assumption in the UK has been that the individual does have the right to do themselves spiritual harm...

One of the perils of being a middle-aged parent in England is that you have to attend school plays...