Volume 10 - Issue 3

Index to Themelios Volumes 1–10

By David Wenham








Armerding, Carl


Structural analysis


Vol. 4.3


Baker, David


Interpreting texts in the context of the whole Bible


Vol. 5.2


Baldwin Joyce G.


Is there pseudonymity in the Old Testament?


Vol. 4.1


Bauckham, Richard J.


‘Only the suffering God can help’: Divine passibility in modern theology


Vol. 9.3


Bauckham, Richard J.


The rise of apocalyptic


Vol. 3.2


Bauckham, Richard J.


Universalism—A historical survey


Vol. 4.2


Bauckham, Richard J.


Weakness—Paul’s and ours


Vol. 7.3


Beckwith, Roger T.


The ecumenical quest for agreement in faith


Vol. 10.1


Bediako, Kwame


The Willowbank Consultation January 1978—A personal reflection


Vol. 5.2


Biggs, Howard


The Q Debate since 1955


Vol. 6.2


Bloesch, Donald


The sword of the Spirit: the meaning of inspiration


Vol. 5.3


Blum, Edwin A.


Shall you not surely die?


Vol. 4.2


Bray, Gerald E.


Can we dispense with the Chalcedon?


Vol. 3.2


Bromiley, Geoffrey W.


Evangelicals and theological creativity


Vol. 5.1


Cameron, Nigel M. de S.


Dean Burgon and the Bible: an eminent Victorian and the problem of inspiration


Vol. 7.2


Cameron, Nigel M. de S.


Talking points: Genesis and Evolution


Vol. 7.3


Cameron, Nigel M. de S.


Talking points: Science versus religion


Vol. 8.1


Carson, D. A.


Hermeneutics: a brief assessment of some recent trends


Vol. 5.2


Carson, D. A.


Recent literature on the fourth gospel: some reflections


Vol. 9.1


Chapman, Colin J.


Thinking biblically about Islam


Vol. 3.3


Cheesman, Graham


Dynamic Christology


Vol. 8.1


Chilton, Bruce D.


An evangelical and critical approach to the sayings of Jesus


Vol. 3.3


Cook, Robert R.


The psychology of incarnation


Vol. 5.1


Copeland, Paul E.


A guide to the study of the prophets


Vol. 10.1


Davids, Peter


The poor man’s gospel


Vol. 1.2


Davis, Stephen T.


God the mad scientist: process theology on God and evil


Vol. 5.1


Demarest, Bruce A.


The contemporary relevance of Christendom’s creeds


Vol. 7.2


Denton, D. R.


The biblical basis of hope


Vol. 5.3


Donner, Theo


Some thoughts on the history of New Testament canon


Vol. 7.3


Dyrness, William


Mercy triumphs over justice: James 2:13 and the theology of faith and works


Vol. 6.3


Field, David


Talking points: The divorce debate—where are we now?


Vol. 8.3


France, R. T


Barnabas—Son of encouragement


Vol. 4.1


France, R. T


Inerrancy and New Testament Exegesis


Vol. 1.1


Fung, Ronald Y. K.


The forensic character of justification


Vol. 3.1


Fung, Ronald Y. K.


The status of justification by faith in Paul’s thought: a brief survey of a modern debate


Vol. 6.3


Geldard, Mark


Why study philosophy of religion?


Vol. 9.3


Gill, David W.


Jacques Ellul: the prophet as theologian


Vol. 7.1


Gillett, David


Shalom: content for a slogan


Vol. 1.3


Glaser, Ida


Towards a mutual understanding of Christian and Islamic concepts of revelation


Vol. 7.3


Goldingay, John E.


Approaching Daniel: (one of) three studies


Vol. 2.2


Goldingay, John E.


The Old Testament and Christian faith: Jesus and the Old Testament in Matthew 1–5—Part 1


Vol. 8.1


Goldingay, John E.


The Old Testament and Christian faith: Jesus and the Old Testament in Matthew 1–5—Part 2


Vol. 8.2


Goldsmith, Martin


Contextualization of theology


Vol. 9.1


Gordon, Robert P.


Preaching from the Patriarchs: background to the exposition of Genesis 15


Vol. 1.1


Gurney, Robert J. M.


Approaching Daniel: (one of) three studies


Vol. 2.2


Harris, Murray J.


Resurrection and immortality: eight theses


Vol. 1.2


Helm, Paul


Arguing about origins


Vol. 4.1


Hemer, Colin J.


Acts and Galatians reconsidered


Vol. 2.3


Hempton, David


Evangelical revival and society: a historiographical review of Methodism and British society c. 1750–1850


Vol. 8.3


Holmes, Michael W.


The ‘Majority text debate’: new form of an old issue


Vol. 8.2


Hughes, Dewi Arwel


Christianity and other religions: a review of some recent discussion


Vol. 9.2


Kearsley, Roy


Curriculum for credo: the content and aim of the church’s teaching task


Vol. 10.1


Kendall, R. T.


Preaching in worship


Vol. 4.3


Kibble, David G.


The Kingdom of God and Christian Politics


Vol. 7.1


Kidner, Derek


The way home: an exposition of Hosea 14


Vol. 1.2


Kirk, J. Andrew


The meaning of man in the debate between Christianity and Marxism


Vol. 1.2


Kirk, J. Andrew


The meaning of man in the debate between Christianity and Marxism Part 2


Vol. 1.3


Kirk, J. Andrew


Race, class, caste and the Bible


Vol. 10.2


Lam, Wing-hung


Tensions in Calvin’s idea of predestination


Vol. 6.1


Lamb, Christopher


Dialectical ministry: Christian life and mission in the multi-faith situation


Vol. 9.2


Lewis, Philip


Caste, mission and church growth


Vol. 10.2


Lincoln, Andrew T.


God’s lethal weapon


Vol. 3.1


Lucas, E. C.


Covenant, treaty, and prophecy


Vol. 8.1


Lyon, David


Secularization: the fate of faith in modern society


Vol. 10.1


Mangalwadi, Vishal


Five ways to salvation in contemporary guruism


Vol. 2.3


Marshall, I. Howard


How do we interpret the Bible today?


Vol. 5.2


Marshall, I. Howard


Orthodoxy and heresy in earlier Christianity


Vol. 2.1


Mather, Anne


Talking points: The charismatic movement


Vol. 9.3


McConville, Gordon


The Pentateuch today


Vol. 8.3


Millard, Alan R.


Approaching the Old Testament


Vol. 2.2


Morris, Leon


The emergence of the doctrine of the incarnation


Vol. 8.1


Mouw, Richard J.


Explaining social reality: Some Christian reflections


Vol. 6.2


Mynors, Jim


Guide to bibliographical sources


Vol. 4.1


Nairobi Baptist Church


Jesus Christ frees


Vol. 1.3


Nicholls, Brace J.


The exclusiveness and inclusiveness of the gospel


Vol. 4.2


Nicholls, Bruce J.


Nairobi 1975: a crisis of faith for the WCC


Vol. 1.3


Osborne, Grant R.


The ‘rapture question’


Vol. 2.3


Packer, James


Hermeneutics and biblical authority


Vol. 1.1


Packer, James


The vital question


Vol. 4.3


Padilla, C. Rene


God’s Word and Man’s Myths


Vol. 3.1


Padilla, C. Rene


The interpreted word: reflections on contextual hermeneutics


Vol. 7.1


Pinnock, Clark H.


Building the bridge from academic theology to Christian mission


Vol. 9.3


Pinnock, Clark H.


Karl Barth and Christian apologetics


Vol. 2.3


Price, Robert M.


Niebuhr’s doctrine of revelation in contemporary theology


Vol. 7.1


Reid, W. Stanford


John Calvin: the father of capitalism?


Vol. 8.2


Root, John


Issues for the church in a multi-racial society


Vol. 10.2


Selman, Martin J.


Comparative methods and patriarchal narratives


Vol. 3.1


Skevington Wood, A.


A bibliographical guide to the study of the Reformation, Part 1


Vol. 2.2


Skevington Wood, A.


A bibliographical guide to the study of the Reformation, Part 2: Development


Vol. 3.2


Skevington Wood, A.


A Radical Reformation Reassessed


Vol. 6.2


Smeeton, Donald Dean


Hans Küng: architect of radical Catholicism


Vol. 7.2


Stamoolis, J.


Church and state in South Africa


Vol. 10.2


Stein, Robert H.


Was the tomb really empty?


Vol. 5.1


Stone, Anthony


Three current challenges of the Occult


Vol. 6.3


Stott, John


Paul prays for the church


Vol. 2.1


Stuart, Douglas


The Old Testament prophets’ self-understanding of their prophecy


Vol. 6.1


Sugden, Chris and Bosch, David


From partnership to marriage: Consultation on the relationship between evangelism and social responsibility (CRESR)


Vol. 8.2


Van Seters, A.


God and family: from sociology to covenant theology


Vol. 5.3


Volf, Miroslav


Doing and interpreting: an examination of the relationship between theory and practice in Latin American liberation theology


Vol. 8.3


Watts, Craig M.


Christian ministry in its theological context


Vol. 6.3


Webster, John


The identity of the Holy Spirit: a problem in trinitarian theology


Vol. 9.1


Webster, John


Recent work on Barth


Vol. 7.3


Weeks, Noel


The hermeneutical problem of Genesis 1–11


Vol. 4.1


Wenham, David


Jesus and the law: an exegesis on Matthew 5:17–20


Vol. 4.3


Wenham, David


Spirit and life: some reflections on Johannine theology


Vol. 6.1


Wenham, Gordon J.


Approaching Daniel: (one of) three studies


Vol. 2.2


Wenham, Gordon J.


Deuteronomy: linch-pin of Old Testament criticism, Part 1


Vol. 10.3


Wenham, Gordon J.


Recent Old Testament Study: an evangelical assessment


Vol. 8.2


Wisløff, Carl F.


Recent trends in Roman Catholicism


Vol. 10.3


Wright, Christopher


The Christian and other religions: the biblical evidence


Vol. 9.2


Wright, David F.


James Barr on ‘fundamentalism’—a review article


Vol. 3.3


Wright, David F.




Vol. 10.3


Wright, David F.


Why were the Montanists condemned?


Vol. 2.1


Wright, N. T.


Towards a biblical view of universalism


Vol. 4.2


Wright, N. T.


Godliness and good learning: Cranfield’s Romans


Vol. 6.1


Wright, N. T.


A new Tübingen school? E. Käsemann and his commentary on Romans


Vol. 7.3


Yamauchi, Edwin M.


The reverse order of Ezra/Nehemiah reconsidered


Vol. 5.3


Yamauchi, Edwin M.


Pre-Christian gnosticism, the New Testament and Nag Hammadi in recent debate


Vol. 10.1


Martin, Ralph P.


Review of theological journals, 1975


Vol. 2.1


Martin, Ralph P.


Review of theological journals, 1976


Vol. 3.1




Review of theological journals, 1977


Vol. 4.1




Review of theological journals, 1978


Vol. 5.1




Survey of 1979 journals:


Vol. 6.2


Wenham, Gordon J.


Old Testament




France, R. T.


New Testament




Wright, David F.


Church History




Pinnock, Clark H.


Systematic Theology






Survey of 1980 journals:


Vol. 7.2


Wenham, Gordon J.


Old Testament




France, R. T.


New Testament




Wright, David F.


Church History




Pinnock, Clark H.


Systematic Theology




Geisler, Norman L.








Survey of recent journals


Vol. 9.3


Wenham, Gordon J.


Old Testament




McKnight, Scot


New Testament




Wright, David F.


Church History




MacLeod, Donald


Dogmatic and systematic theology






The Chicago statement on biblical inerrancy


Vol. 4.3




Index to Volumes 1–10


Vol. 10.3











Abraham, William G.


The divine inspiration of Holy Scripture


Tony Lane


Vol. 8.1


Adamson, James B.


The Epistle of James


Peter Davids


Vol. 3.2


Aldwinckle, Russell F.


More than a man: a study in Christology


David P. Scaer


Vol. 3.1


Allister, D. S.


Sickness and healing in the Church


John Arnold


Vol. 8.3


Anderson, Gerald H. (ed.)


Asian voices in Christian theology


Jonathan Parreno


Vol. 3.1


Anderson, Gerald and Stranksy, Thomas (eds.)


Christ’s lordship and religious pluralism


Christopher Lamb


Vol. 9.3


Anderson, Hugh


The Gospel of Mark


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 2.2


Anderson, Norman


Issues of life and death


Brian Johanson


Vol. 4.2


Anderson, Ray S. (ed.)


Theological foundations for ministry


K. Runia


Vol. 8.2


Armerding, Carl E.


The Old Testament and Criticism


Desmond Alexander


Vol. 10.2


Atkinson, James


Martin Luther: prophet to the Church


David F. Wright


Vol. 10.2


Aulen, Gustaf


Jesus in contemporary historical research


Larry W. Hurtado


Vol. 4.1


Aune, David E.


Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World


R. T. France


Vol. 10.3


Avis, Paul D.


The church in the theology of the reformers


David F. Wright


Vol. 8.2


Bailey, Kenneth E.


Poet and Peasant: A literary cultural approach to the parables in Luke


Russell P. Shedd


Vol. 3.1


Baker, B. L.


Two Testaments, One Bible


Peter R. Rodgers


Vol. 4.1


Balke, Willem T.


Calvin and the Anabaptist radicals


Reid S. Trulson


Vol. 9.2


Bammel, Ernst and Moule, C. F. D. (eds.)


Jesus and the Politics of his Day


Chris Sugden


Vol. 10.3


Banks, R. J.


Jesus and the law in the synoptic tradition


R. T. France


Vol. 2.1


Barclay, William


By what authority?


Nigel M. de S. Cameron


Vol. 5.1


Barnes, T. D.


Constantine and Eusebius


M. G. P. Insley


Vol. 9.3


Barrett, C. K.


The Gospel of John and Judaism


Leon Morris


Vol. 2.2


Beare, Francis Wright


The Gospel according to Matthew. A commentary


H. J. Combrink


Vol. 9.1


Beasley-Murray, G. R.


The Book of Revelation


Richard Bauckham


Vol. 1.1


Becker, J. Christopher


Paul the apostle: the triumph of God in life and thought


Max Turner


Vol. 8.1


Beckwith, Roger T. and Wilfrid Stott


This is the Day: the Biblical Doctrine of the Christian Sunday


Derek Kidner


Vol. 5.1


Bentley Taylor, David


Augustine: Wayward genius


David Sceats


Vol. 6.3


Berkouwer, G. C.


A half century of theology


Bruce A. Demarest


Vol. 4.1


Best, Ernest


Mark. The Gospel as story


Anthony C. Thiselton


Vol. 10.2


Bimson, John J.


Redating the Exodus and conquest


Donald Wiseman


Vol. 7.2


Blocher, Henri


In the Beginning: The opening chapters of Genesis


John Wenham


Vol. 10.3


Boecker, H. J.


Law and administration of justice in the Old Testament and Ancient East


Christopher Wright


Vol. 8.1


Boice, James Montgomery


Foundations of the Christian faith Vols 1 and 2


Wayne Grudem


Vol. 6.2


Boice, James Montgomery


Foundations of the Christian faith Vol. 3


Rick Scheideman


Vol. 6.2


Boldrey, Richard and Joyce


Chauvinist or feminist? Paul’s view of women


Dody Taylor


Vol. 4.1


Bonino, Jose Miguez


Revolutionary theology comes of age. Christians and Marxists


John P. Baker


Vol. 2.3


Bray, Gerald L.


Creeds, Councils and Christ


T. A. Smail


Vol. 10.3


Bray, Gerald L.


Holiness and the will of God—Perspectives on the theology of Tertullian


Graham Keith


Vol. 6.2


Bright, John


Covenant and promise


J. Barton Payne


Vol. 3.1


Bromiley, Geoffrey


Historical theology: an introduction


David F. Wright


Vol. 6.3


Brown, Colin (ed.)


History, Criticism and Faith


Edward Ball


Vol. 3.3


Brown, Colin


Miracles and the critical mind


Winfried Corduan


Vol. 10.2


Brown, Colin (ed.)


The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Vol. 1 A–F


Max Turner


Vol. 2.2


Brown, Raymond E.


The Community of the beloved disciple: The life, loves and hates of an individual church in New Testament times


Donald W. Burdick


Vol. 6.3


Bruce, F. F.


The Epistle to the Galatians: A commentary on the Greek text


John Barclay


Vol. 9.1


Bruce, F. F.


The Gospel of John: Introduction, exposition and notes


Herbert Giesbrecht


Vol. 10.2


Bruce, F. F.


In retrospect: in remembrance of things past


Donald Guthrie


Vol. 6.3


Bruce, F. F.


Paul, Apostle of the Free Spirit


David Campbell


Vol. 4.2


Bruce, F. F.


Paul and Jesus


James Le Grand (Jnr)


Vol. 4.3


Burkhardt, Helmut


The Biblical doctrine of regeneration


Derek Tidball


Vol. 4.3


Burrows, Millar


Jesus in the first three gospels


Grant R. Osborne


Vol. 4.1


Busch, Eberhard


Karl Barth: his life from letters and autobiographical text


Richard Roberts


Vol. 3.2


Butler, Roy W.


Christian and creationist ethics


Norman L. Geisler


Vol. 3.3


Caird, G. B.


The language and imagery of the Bible


Peter Cotterell


Vol. 7.2


Cameron, Nigel M. de S.


Evolution and the authority of the Bible


L. H. Osborne


Vol. 9.3


Cannon, William, R.


History of Christianity in the Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Fall of Constantinople


James Stamoolis


Vol. 10.3


Carson, D. A. (ed.)


Biblical Interpretation and the Church: Text and Context


W. A. Strange


Vol. 10.3


Carson, H. M.


Dawn or twilight? A study of contemporary Roman Catholicism


Mike Garde


Vol. 2.3


Childs, Brevard S. (Jnr)


Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture


Robert L. Hubbard


Vol. 6.1


Clark, Stephen B.


Man and Woman in Christ: An examination of the roles of man and woman in the light of Scripture and the social sciences


Gordon Wenham


Vol. 8.1


Clements, R. E.


One hundred years of Old Testament interpretation


Robert L. Hubbard (Jnr)


Vol. 3.2


Clements, R. E.


Old Testament theology: a fresh approach


Gordon McConville


Vol. 5.1


Clouse, Robert G. (ed.)


The meaning of the millennium


Robert H. Gundry


Vol. 4.1


Clouse, Robert G. (ed.)


War: Four Christian views


Charles Moore


Vol. 7.2


Cobb, John B. (Jnr)


Christ in a pluralistic age


Gordon R. Lewis


Vol. 2.3


Conzelmann, Hans


1 Corinthians


Wayne Grudem


Vol. 1.2


Cook, David


The moral maze


Richard Higginson


Vol. 9.3


Cotterell, Peter


Church Alive


Roger Bowen


Vol. 9.3


Cotterell, Peter


The Eleventh Commandment


Roger Bowen


Vol. 9.3


Cowburn, John


Shadows and the dark: the problem of suffering and evil


Hugh Silvester


Vol. 6.3


Craigie, P. C.


The book of Deuteronomy


Christopher Wright


Vol. 3.2


Craigie, P. C.


Ugarit and the Old Testament


A. R Millard


Vol. 10.1


Crenshaw, James L.


Old Testament wisdom: an introduction


Derek Kidner


Vol. 8.2


Crenshaw, James L.


Samson: A secret betrayed, a vow ignored


John Goldingay


Vol. 6.2


Culver, Robert D.


Toward a Biblical view of civil government


Clark Pinnock


Vol. 2.1


Cuppitt, Don


The leap of reason


J. D. Dengerink


Vol. 4.2


Danielou, Jean


A history of early Christian Doctrine before the Council of Nicea, Volume 3: The origins of Latin Christianity


Gerald Bray


Vol. 4.2


Davids, Peter


The Epistle of James


John W. Drane


Vol. 9.2


Davies, E.


Prophecy and ethics: Isaiah and the ethical tradition of Israel


Peter Diamond


Vol. 8.2


Davis, Stephen T.


The debate about the Bible


Simon J. Kistemaker


Vol. 4.1


Davis, Stephen T. (ed.)


Encountering evil: live options in theodicy


Bruce Milne


Vol. 8.2


Demarest, Bruce A.


A history of interpretation of Hebrews 7:1–10 from the Reformation to the present


Ralph P. Martin


Vol. 2.3


Drane, J. W.


Paul: an illustrated documentary on the life and writings of a key figure in the beginnings of Christianity


James le Grand (Jnr)


Vol. 4.3


Drane, J. W.


Paul: libertine or legalist?


Graham Stanton


Vol. 1.3


Dungan, David L. and Cartlidge, David R. (eds.)


Sourcebook of texts for the comparative study of the gospels


R T. France


Vol. 1.1


Dunn, James D. G.


Jesus and the Spirit: A study of the religious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians in the New Testament


Max Turner


Vol. 2.2


Dunn, James D. G.


Unity and diversity in the New Testament: an inquiry into the character of earliest Christianity


R. T. France


Vol. 5.1


Dyrness, William A.


Themes in Old Testament Theology


Ernest Lucas


Vol. 6.3


Eaton, Michael




Philip H. Eveson


Vol. 9.3


Ebeling, Gerhard


The study of theology


Bruce Milne


Vol. 6.3


Elliot, J. K.


Questioning Christian origins


Colin J. Hemer


Vol. 9.1


Ellul, Jacques


The betrayal of the west


Terrance Trites


Vol. 7.2


England, John C.


Living theology in Asia


Jiang Pisheng


Vol. 8.3


Farmer, William R.


Jesus and the Gospel


William W. Klein


Vol. 9.1


Finegan, Jack


Encountering New Testament manuscripts


R. T. France


Vol. 1.2


Fohrer, George


History of the Israelite Religion


Joyce Baldwin


Vol. 1.1


Ford, D. W. Cleverley


The ministry of the Word


Derek Prime


Vol. 6.2


France, R. T. and Wenham, David (eds.)


Gospel Perspectives Vol. 3, Studies in Midrash and Historiography


Donald A. Hagner


Vol. 10.1


Franklin, E.


Christ the Lord: A study in the purpose and theology of Luke-Acts


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 2.1


Franklin, E.


How the critics can help: A guide to the practical use of the Gospels


R. W. L. Moberly


Vol. 9.1


Fraser, J. W.


Jesus and Paul: Paul as interpreter of Jesus from Harnack to Kummel


Colin Brown


Vol. 2.3


Fuerst, Wesley J.


Ruth, Esther, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, Lamentations


Derek Kidner


Vol. 1.3


Gasque, W. and La Sor, W. S. (eds.)


Scripture, Tradition and Interpretation


Andrew T. Lincoln


Vol. 4.3


Gasque, W.


A history of the criticism of the Acts of the Apostles


Max Turner


Vol. 2.2


Gerhardsson, B.


Die Anfange der Evangelientradition


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 4.1


Gibbs, Eddie


I believe in Church growth


Derek Tidball


Vol. 8.2


Goldingay, John


Approaches to Old Testament interpretation


H. G. M. Williamson


Vol. 8.1


Goldsmith, Martin


Habbakuk and Joel: God is sovereign in history


Rosemary Nixon


Vol. 9.2


Goldsmith, Martin


Islam and Christian witness


Alan J. Hill


Vol. 9.3


Goppelt, L.


Theology of the New Testament Vol. 1: The ministry of Jesus in its theological significance


D. R. de Lacey


Vol. 9.2


Goppelt, L.


Theology of the New Testament Vol. 2: The variety and unity of the apostolic witness to Christ


D. R. de Lacey


Vol. 9.2


Goulder, M. D.


Midrash and Lection in Matthew


Graham Stanton


Vol. 1.1


Greenaway, Roger S. (ed.)


Discipling the city, theological reflections on urban mission


Donald R. Davis


Vol. 6.1


Gregg, Robert C. and Groh, Dennis E.


Early Arianism—a view of salvation


Graham Keith


Vol. 7.2


Griffin, David R.


A process christology


Mark P. Branson


Vol. 2.3


Gruenler, Royce G.


The Inexhaustible God: Biblical Faith and the Challenge of Process Theism


L. H. Osborn


Vol. 10.3


Guiness, Os


In two minds (USA) or Doubt (UK)


Mark P. Branson


Vol. 3.1


Gundry, Robert H.


Matthew: A commentary on his literature and theological art


R. T. France


Vol. 8.3


Gundry, Stanley N. and Johnson, Alan F. (eds.)


Tensions in contemporary theology


John Jefferson Davis


Vol. 3.1


Gurney, Robert H.


God in control, An exposition of the prophecies of Daniel


Robin Thomson


Vol. 8.1


Hagner, D. A. and Harris, M. J. (eds.)


Pauline Studies: Essays presented to F. F. Bruce


Max Turner


Vol. 7.2


Hanks, Thomas D.


God so loved the world


Francis Foulkes


Vol. 9.3


Hanson, Anthony Tyrell


Grace and Truth


Donald MacLeod


Vol. 2.2


Hanson, Anthony Tyrell


The New Testament Interpretation of Scripture


David L. Baker


Vol. 6.2


Hanson, Anthony Tyrell


The Pastoral Epistles


Carsten P. Thiede


Vol. 10.3


Haran, Menahem


Temples and Temple service in Ancient Israel: An inquiry into the character of Cult phenomena and the historical setting of the priestly school


Gordon McConville


Vol. 5.3


Harned, David Baily


Creed and personal identity. The meaning of the Apostle’s Creed


John Webster


Vol. 9.1


Harris, Murray J.


Raised Immortal


John Wenham


Vol. 9.2


Harrison, D. E. W. and Sansom, Michael


Worship in the Church of England


Harold C. Miller


Vol. 10.3


Harrison, R. K.


Leviticus: An introduction and commentary


Desmond Alexander


Vol. 7.1


Harvey, A. E.


God Incarnate: Story and belief


John Webster


Vol. 8.3


Hays, Richard B.


The faith of Jesus Christ. An investigation of the narrative structure of Galatians 3:1–4:11


R. N. Longenecker


Vol. 10.2


Hengel, Martin


Acts and the history of earliest Christianity


Colin J. Hemer


Vol. 6.1


Hengel, Martin




Paul Barnett


Vol. 5.1


Hengel, Martin


Judaism and Hellenism—Studies in their encounter in Palestine during the early Hellenistic period


G. N. Stanton


Vol. 1.2


Hengel, Martin


Property and riches in the early church


Udo W. Middleman


Vol. 1.2


Heron, Alasdair I. C.


A century of Protestant theology


Richard Pierard


Vol. 7.2


Hick, J.


The myth of God incarnate


Gerald Bray


Vol. 3.2


Hill, David


New Testament prophecy


Wayne Grudem


Vol. 7.2


Hillyer, N. (revision editor)


The Illustrated Bible Dictionary


Gordon Kuhrt


Vol. 7.2


Hoekema, Anthony A.


The Bible and the future


William C. Thomas


Vol. 6.1


Houston, James


I believe in the Creator


Graham Dow


Vol. 6.1


Howe, E. Margaret


Women and Church leadership


Timothy Weber


Vol. 8.2


Jewett, Paul K.


Infant baptism and the covenant of grace


Cleon Rogers


Vol. 4.3


Jones, D. Gareth


Brave New People


Colin Fletcher


Vol. 10.2


Kaiser, Walter C. (Jnr)


Toward an Old Testament theology


Bruce K. Waltke


Vol. 6.1


Kane, Margaret


Theology in an industrial society


George Carey


Vol. 3.1


Kasto, Byang A.


Theological pitfalls in Africa


Paul Bowers


Vol. 5.3


Kelsey, David H.


The uses of Scripture in recent theology


Robert Duncan Culver


Vol. 2.3


Kendall, R. T.


Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649


Tony Lane


Vol. 6.1


Kendall, R. T.




Robert Norris


Vol. 4.2


Kidner, Derek


Psalms 73–150


John Goldingay


Vol. 1.2


Kim, Seyoon


The origin of Paul’s gospel


Max Turner


Vol. 9.2


Kirk, J. Andrew


Liberation theology: An evangelical view from the Third World


Chris Wigglesworth


Vol. 6.1


Knight, Douglas A.


Rediscovering the traditions of Israel


G. I. Davies


Vol. 4.1


Knight, G. A. F.


Theology in pictures


Gordon McConville


Vol. 9.1


Kraft, Charles H.


Christianity in Culture: A study in dynamic biblical theologizing in cross-cultural perspective


Alan F. Gates


Vol. 5.2


Ladd, George Eldon


A theology of the New Testament


N. T. Wright


Vol. 1.2


Lance, H. Darrell


The Old Testament and the archaeologist


John J. Bimson


Vol. 9.2


Lasor, W. S., Hubbard, D. A. and Bush, F. W.


Old Testament Survey: The message, form and background of the Old Testament


Craig C. Broyles


Vol. 9.3


Lewis, Gordon R.


Testing Christianity’s truth claims: approaches to Christian apologetics


James Daane


Vol. 3.1


Lindars, B.


Jesus Son of Man: A fresh examination of the Son of Man sayings in the Gospels in the light of recent research


Stephen S. Smalley


Vol. 9.2


Lohse, Eduard


The New Testament environment


Edwin M. Yamauchi


Vol. 4.1


Lonergan, Bernard


The way to Nicea


John Gerstner


Vol. 3.3


Longenecker, Richard N.


Biblical exegesis in the apostolic period


Robin Nixon


Vol. 2.1


Lovelace, Richard F.


Homosexuality and the church


Jay H. Grimstead


Vol. 5.1


Macquarrie, John


In search of humanity


Richard Higginson


Vol. 9.3


Maddox, Robert


The Purpose of Luke-Acts


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 9.1


Maier, Gerhard


Das Ende der historisch-kritischen Methode


Paul H. Davids


Vol. 1.2


Marshall, I. Howard


Biblical Inspiration


Steve Walton


Vol. 10.1


Marshall, I. Howard


The Gospel of Luke: A commentary on the Greek text


Max Turner


Vol. 5.2


Marshall, I. Howard


Last Supper and Lord’s Supper


Steve Walton


Vol. 8.1


Marshall, I. Howard


1 and 2 Thessalonians


Murray J. Harris


Vol. 10.2


Martens, Elmer A.


Plot and Purpose in the Old Testament


Robert L. Hubbard


Vol. 8.2


Martin, James D.


The book of Judges


A. E. Cundall


Vol. 2.1


Martin, Ralph


The family and fellowship: New Testament images of the Church


Max Turner


Vol. 7.1


Martin, Ralph


New Testament books for pastor and teacher


Anthony C. Thiselton


Vol. 10.2


Matczak, Sebastian A.


God in contemporary thought


Bruce A. Demarest


Vol. 4.1


Mayes, A. D. H.


Israel in the period of the Judges


A. R. Millard


Vol. 1.1


McCullough, W. Stewart


The history and literature of the Palestinian Jews from Cyrus to Herod: 550 bc to 4 bc Introduction to the Intertestamental period


Richard N. Longenecker


Vol. 2.3


McKane, William


Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives


Martin Selman


Vol. 6.1


McKinnon, D. M.


Explorations in theology


John Webster


Vol. 6.3


Meyer, Ben F.


The aims of Jesus


R T. France


Vol. 6.2


Millard, A. R and Wiseman, D. J. (eds.)


Essays on the Patriarchal narratives


Joyce Baldwin


Vol. 7.1


Miranda, Jose P.


Marx against the Marxists: The Christian humanism of Karl Marx


Gary Williams


Vol. 7.2


Miranda, Jose P.


Marx and the Bible


Martin Goldsmith


Vol. 4.2


Mitchell, Henry H.


The recovery of preaching


Derek Prime


Vol. 6.2


Moberg, David O.


The great reversal: Evangelism versus social concern


J. A. Walter


Vol. 1.1


Moberly, R. W. L.


At the mountain of God. Story and theology in Exodus 22–34


Mike Butterworth


Vol. 9.3


Moltmann, Jurgen


Theology and joy


G. Bromiley


Vol. 2.1


Moltmann, Jurgen


The Church in the power of the Spirit


William L. Schutter


Vol. 4.1


Montgomery, John Warwick (ed.)


God’s inerrant Word: an international symposium on the trustworthiness of Scripture


Bruce A. Demarest


Vol. 1.1


Moo, Douglas J.


The Old Testament in the Gospel Passion Narratives


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 10.3


Moody, Dale


The Word of Truth: A summary of Christian doctrine based on Biblical Revelation


Bruce A. Demarest


Vol. 8.1


Moore, James R.


The post Darwinian controversies: A study of the Protestant struggle to come to terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870–1900


Nigel M. de S. Cameron


Vol. 6.1


Moorey, Roger


Excavation in Palestine


John J. Bimson


Vol. 9.2


Moule, C. F. D.


The origin of Christology


R. T. France


Vol. 4.1


Nazir-Ali, Michael


Islam: A Christian perspective


Alan J. Hill


Vol. 9.3


Neill, Stephen


Salvation tomorrow


Robert Covell


Vol. 3.1


Norman, Edward


Christianity and the World Order


Chris Wigglesworth


Vol. 7.2


Noth, M.


The Deuteronomistic History


Robert P. Gordon


Vol. 9.1


O’Collins, Gerald


The Calvary of Christ


Tony Lane


Vol. 4.2


Osborn, Eric


The Beginning of Christian Philosophy


David F. Wright


Vol. 9.3


Packer, J. I.


God has spoken: revelation and the Bible


Tony Lane


Vol. 5.3


Painter, John


John: witness and theologian


Leon Morris


Vol. 2.3


Panikkar, R.


The Intra-religious dialogue


Waldron Scott


Vol. 5.3


Pannenberg, Wolfhart


Theology and the philosophy of science


Bernard Ramm


Vol. 3.2


Pannenberg, Wolfhart


Faith and reality


Brian Walsh


Vol. 4.1


Pannenberg, Wolfhart


Human nature, election and history


Brian Walsh


Vol. 4.1


Parshall, Phil


New paths in Muslim evangelism


Martin Goldsmith


Vol. 8.1


Paton, David and Long, Charles H. (eds.)


The Compulsion of the Spirit: A Roland Allen Reader


William T. McConnell


Vol. 10.3


Paul, Robert S.


Kingdom come!


Samuel Escobar


Vol. 1.1


Payne, David F.


Kingdoms of the Lord


John J. Bimson


Vol. 8.2


Peacocke, A. R (ed.)


The sciences and theology in the twentieth century


Eric Middleton


Vol. 9.2


Perrin, Norman


The New Testament: an introduction


Donald Guthrie


Vol. 1.3


Perrin, Norman


The Resurrection narratives


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 4.1


Peterson, David L.


The roles of Israel’s prophets


Peter Diamond


Vol. 9.1


Pinnock, Clark H. (ed.)


Grace unlimited


D. A. Carson


Vol. 3.1


Potter, G. R.




James Atkinson


Vol. 4.2


Poythress, Vern S.


Philosophy, science and the sovereignty of God


William Young


Vol. 3.3


Ramsey, George W.


The Quest for the Historical Israel: Reconstructing Israel’s early history


D. J. Wiseman


Vol. 8.2


Ridderbos, Herman N.


Paul: an outline of his theology


James Le Grand (Jnr)


Vol. 4.3


Ridderbos, Herman N.


Studies in Scripture and its authority


Gerry Breshears


Vol. 5.1


Riesner, Rainer


Jesus als Lehrer: Eine Untersuchung zum Ursprung der Evangelien-Uberlieferung


David Wenham


Vol. 9.3


Robinson, J. A. T.


Can we trust the New Testament?


Peter Adam


Vol. 4.1


Robinson, J. A. T.


Redating the New Testament


Peter Adam


Vol. 4.1


Robinson, J. A. T.


Wrestling with Romans


Stephen Motyer


Vol. 5.3


Robinson, J. A. T.


Jesus and his coming


Richard Bauckham


Vol. 6.3


Rogerson, John (ed.)


Beginning Old Testament study


Rosemary Nixon


Vol. 9.2


Rowdon, H. H.


Christ the Lord


John Job


Vol. 9.2


Rowland, Christopher


The Open Heaven. A study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and early Christianity


F. F. Bruce


Vol. 8.2


Runia, Klaas


The sermon under attack


Ronald S. Wallace


Vol. 10.1


Russell, D. S.


Apocalyptic: ancient and modern


R. T. France


Vol. 4.3


Samuel, Vinay and Sugden, Chris


Current trends in theology: a Third World guide


J. Andrew Kirk


Vol. 8.1


Samuel, Vinay and Sugden, Chris


Evangelism and the Poor, a third world study guide


Michael Schluter


Vol. 9.3


Sasse, Hermann


This is my body


James Atkinson


Vol. 10.2


Scanzoni, Letha and Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey


Is the homosexual my neighbour? Another Christian view


Bob Rakestraw


Vol. 5.1


Schaeffer, Francis A.


How should we then live?


William Dyrness


Vol. 4.2


Schweizer, E.


Church order in the New Testament


George Carey


Vol. 6.1


Schweizer, E.


Luke: a challenge


J. Andrew Kirk


Vol. 9.1


Schweizer, E.


The Letter to the Colossians


Max Turner


Vol. 9.1


Scott, Waldron


Karl Barth’s theology of mission


Derek Tidball


Vol. 4.3


Sider, Ronald


Evangelism, Salvation and Social Justice


Ronald Russell


Vol. 4.2


Sider, Ronald


Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: a Biblical study


Ronald Russell


Vol. 4.2


Smalley, Stephen S.


John: evangelist and interpreter


Leon Morris


Vol. 4.2


Smith, Wilfred Cantwell


Toward a world theology: Faith and the comparative history of religion


Bruce A. Demarest


Vol. 7.2


Snyder, Howard A.


The Community of the King


Bruce L. Shelley


Vol. 4.1


Snyder, Howard A.


Liberating the church: the ecology of Church and Kingdom


Joel B. Green


Vol. 10.1


Soggin, J. A.


Introduction to the Old Testament from its origins to the closing of the Alexandrian canon


H. G. M. Williamson


Vol. 3.2


Soggin, J. A.




R. W. L. Moberly


Vol. 8.2


Spittler, Russell P. (ed.)


Perspectives on the New Pentecostalism


Alfred A. Glenn


Vol. 3.3


Sproul, R. C.


Knowing Scripture




Vol. 4.2


Spurgeon, C. H.


An all-round ministry


C. Peter White


Vol. 5.3


Stanton, G. N. (ed.)


The interpretation of Matthew


D. A. Carson


Vol. 9.3


Stanton, G. N.


Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament Preaching


I. Howard Marshall


Vol. 1.1


Staudinger, Hugo


The trustworthiness of the Gospels


Colin J. Hemer


Vol. 9.1


Stein, Robert H.


An introduction to the parables of Jesus


William G. Morrice


Vol. 8.1


Stewart, Alexander


A prophet of grace—Elisha


Peter Milsom


Vol. 7.1


Stoldt, H.-H.


History and criticism of the Marcan Hypothesis


H. Bigg


Vol. 8.3


Stott, John


I believe in preaching


Philip Hacking


Vol. 8.3


Stott, John and Coote, Robert (eds.)


Down to earth


Martin Goldsmith


Vol. 7.2


Surburg, Raymond F.


Introduction to the intertestamental period


Richard N. Longenecker


Vol. 2.3


Sweet, John




Richard Bauckham


Vol. 5.2


Theissen, Gerd


The miracle stories of the early Christian tradition


J. A. Gardiner


Vol. 9.3


Thielicke, Helmut


The evangelical faith, 1: Prolegomena: the relation of theology to modern thought forms


John P. Baker


Vol. 1.2


Thiselton, Anthony C.


The two horizons


Clark H. Pinnock


Vol. 7.2


Thompson, J. A.


The Book of Jeremiah


John Goldingay


Vol. 8.3


Tidball, Derek


An introduction to the sociology of the New Testament


J. A. Gardiner


Vol. 10.2


Tracy, David


The analogical imagination: Christian theology and the culture of pluralism


Richard Bauckham


Vol. 10.2


Tracy, David, Küng, Hans and Metz, Johann (eds.)


Toward Vatican III, the work that has to be done


Paul S. White


Vol. 6.3


Travis, S. H.


I believe in the Second Coming of Jesus


Murray J. Harris


Vol. 9.1


Triton, A. N.


Salt to the world


Tom Houston


Vol. 4.3


Trocme, Etienne


The formation of the Gospel according to Mark


Alan Cole


Vol. 2.1


Tuckett, C. M.


The revival of the Griesbach hypothesis


B. Ward Powers


Vol. 10.1


Vanderwaal, Cornelius


Hal Lindsey and Biblical Prophecy


Richard Bauckham


Vol. 5.2


Vermes, Geza


Jesus and the World of Judaism


R T. France


Vol. 10.3


Von Rad, Gerhard


Biblical interpretations in preaching


Walter C. Kaiser (Jnr)


Vol. 3.1


Wainwright, G.


The Ecumenical Movement. Crisis and Opportunity for the Church


John Webster


Vol. 10.3


Warren, Max


I believe in the Great Commission


Derek Tidball


Vol. 3.2


Watson, David


I believe in evangelism


Derek Tidball


Vol. 3.2


Webber, Robert E.


Common roots: a call to evangelical maturity


Timothy P. Weber


Vol. 4.3


Wells, David F.


The search for salvation


Michael Burgess


Vol. 4.3


Wells, David F. and Woodbridge, John D. (eds.)


The evangelicals: what they believe, who they are, where they are changing


Bruce A. Demarest


Vol. 1.3


Wenham, Gordon J.




A. R. Millard


Vol. 9.1


Wenham, John


Easter Enigma


Joel B. Green


Vol. 10.2


Westerman, C.


Praise and lament


David Howard


Vol. 9.1


Whitcomb, John C. and De Young, Donald B.


The Moon: its creation, form and significance


Samuel J. Schultz


Vol. 4.3


White, R. E. O.


Biblical Ethics, the changing continuity of Christian ethics Vol. 1


Christopher Wright


Vol. 7.2


White, R. E. O.


The changing continuity of Christian Ethics Vol. 2: The insights of history


Chris Wigglesworth


Vol. 9.3


White, R. E. O.


A guide to pastoral care


Ian D. Bunting


Vol. 3.3


Whybray, R. N.


The Second Isaiah


Philip Eveson


Vol. 9.3


Williams, James G.


Those who ponder Proverbs: Aphoristic thinking and Biblical literature


Derek Kidner


Vol. 8.2


Williamson, H. G. M.


Israel in the Books of Chronicles


David J. A. Clines


Vol. 5.1


Wright, Christopher


Living as the people of God


Deryck Sheriffs


Vol. 10.1


Wright, David F. (ed.)


Essays in evangelical social ethics


Chris Wigglesworth


Vol. 9.3


Wurthwein, Ernst


The text of the Old Testament, an Introduction to the Biblical Hebraica


Robert L. Alden


Vol. 6.3


Yarnold, E. J. (SJ) and Chadwick, Henry


Truth and authority


Nicholas Sagovsky


Vol. 3.3


Yerkes, James


The Christology of Hegel


Eckhard Schnabel


Vol. 4.3


Zimmerli, Walter


The Old Testament and the world


Howard Peskett


Vol. 3.1




The Holy Bible: New International Version The New Testament


D. A. Carson


Vol. 1.1




The Holy Bible: New International Version


Mervyn Richardson


Vol. 5.3




Christian believing: the nature of the Christian faith and its expression in Holy Scripture and Creeds. The report of the Doctrine Commission of the Church of England


Gerald Bray


Vol. 2.2


David Wenham

Wycliffe Hall