
Covenant Theological Seminary

Biblical Theology

An Overview of the Covenantal Structure of Biblical Revelation, and How Concepts of Kingdom, Covenant, and Mediator Unify the Scriptures

Curated from a lecture series by Gerard Van Groningen
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Life & Teachings of Christ

The Accomplished Work of Salvation, the Historical Setting of Jesus’ Ministry, and Particular Analysis of Each Gospel

Curated from a lecture series by Dan Doriani
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Christian Worship

Biblical, Historical, and Contemporary Look at Gospel-centered Worship

Curated from a lecture series by Mark Dalbey
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Christ-Centered Preaching

Principles and Practice of Sermon Writing and Delivery, Exploring the Unifying Aspect of Grace that Binds all of Scripture Together

Curated from a lecture series by Bryan Chapell
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Educational Foundations

Biblical, Theological, and Psychological Foundations for Training Ministries and Practical Instruction on Teaching for Various Settings and Ages

Curated from a lecture series by Donald Guthrie & Tasha Chapman
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Youth Ministry

Laying a Biblical Foundation for the Practice of Youth Ministry While Equipping the Learner to Effectively Minister in Today's Youth Culture

Curated from a lecture series by Mark Davis
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Marriage and Family Counseling

A Survey of Biblical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues Involved in Marriage and Family Counseling for Pastors and Ministry Leaders

Curated from a lecture series by Dan Zink
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary

Calvin’s Institutes

Discover Calvin’s Method, Material Arrangement, and Biblical-theological Content in His Magnum Opus

Curated from a lecture series by David Calhoun
In partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary