
Kindle Deal: Supernatural Power for Everyday People by Jared Wilson. $2.99.

Seven of the best articles I came across this week:

1. Jonathan Parks-Ramage – Jesus, Mary, and Joe Jonas. A gay reporter’s journey into Reality L.A., an evangelical church in Hollywood.

2. Tim Keller – How to Be More Public with Your FaithDoing evangelism today will take more patience, courage, and thoughtfulness than was needed a generation ago.

3. Jerry Kulah – African United Methodists Won’t Trade Bible for DollarsThe United Methodist Church reaffirmed the historic and global church’s witness on sexuality and marriage this week, thanks in part to the influence of Christians from other parts of the world.

4. Celebrating Africa’s Influence on ChristianityIt is impossible to separate the story of Christianity from the history of Africa. The early theologians of the church were from Africa, and some of the oldest communities of Christianity began in Africa. 

5. K. B. Hoyle – “In That Enchanted Place:” Stories and Permanence in an Impermanent World. “The first time I read The Last Battle, I was gutted to discover that C. S. Lewis destroyed my beloved Narnia.” 

6. Norman Wirzba – Sabbath SimplicitySabbath rest is not about taking a break. Properly understood, it is about putting an end to the restlessness that keeps our living distracted, fragmented, and perpetually dissatisfied.

7. June Cheng – Silence Campaigns. Recent incidents show how Communist officials work to squelch free speech even beyond Chinese borders.
