
“And he (the father) said to him (the older son), ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive. He was lost, and is found.'”
– Jesus, “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:31-32)

Jesus ends His parable with the gracious father’s response to his older son’s complaint. Dad has the last word! Although the older son has lashed out, refusing even to address his dad respectfully, the father replies by calling him “Son,” reminding him of the relationship that the two share. He earnestly wants him to come inside so that the family will be whole.

The father then turns the focus away from possessions, works and obedience. The father desires the relationship: “You are always with me!” The issue is neither the faithfulness of the older son nor the reckless living of the younger. The spotlight shines on the older son’s younger brother, not because of anything he’s done, but because the father-son relationship has been restored.

The father’s treatment of the older brother models God’s graciousness. God has shared so much with humanity – His creation, His goodness, His common grace. He calls everyone to repentance – to let themselves to be found by Him and be called “children of God.” He looks at you and says “Son.” Will you accept Him as Father by confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior?

Jesus ended the parable as a cliffhanger, leaving the audience waiting for the story’s resolution. The question must remain and haunt those listening: did the older brother go in and join the family celebration?

The answer is left to the listener. You’re invited to step up onto the stage and act out the parable’s final scene. Will you enter the house of God and become a part of God’s family? Or will you stay out in the field, appearing close to God while you are actually far from His heart? Will you remain out in the field, settled on working and “doing” without any thought as to having a true relationship with the Father? Won’t you come in? Won’t you become a part of the reason for celebration? The story’s grand finale lies in your hands.

written by Trevin Wax  © 2008 Kingdom People blog
