
Earlier this week came the announcement of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. I’m honored to be one of the inaugural fellows for this Center, and I look forward to connecting with other scholars and leaders with a passion for defending and extending the gospel in a secular age.

As part of The Keller Center, I’m taking a cohort through an exploration of five of the biggest challenges facing the church in the Western world, helping us better understand our times and look for ways to see churches strengthened and the gospel advanced in the days ahead. You can join this cohort!

Over five weeks in March, we’ll look in greater detail at the elements of a “be true to yourself” mindset, the shrinking of Christianity into little more than a personal and privatized faith, the moral revolution that casts traditional Christian morality as harmful and repressive, the rise of intuitional spiritualities and pseudo-religions, and the fragmentation and polarization of our increasingly online world. This cohort will help you connect the dots, better understand people in your neighborhood and in your church, and offer ways of bearing gospel witness in the world to which we’ve been called.

  • March 2, 2023: The Challenge of Expressive Individualism. We’ll explore in greater detail the predominant worldview of our society and how the gospel provides a better vision for humanity.
  • March 9, 2023: The Challenge of Personalized Faith. We’ll explore the relegation of religion to morality and to personal and private expressions of spirituality, along with a challenge to proclaim the gospel as public truth.
  • March 16, 2023: The Challenge of Christian Morality. We’ll explore the implications of the sexual revolution and societal views of Christian teaching on sex and marriage, along with opportunities to minister in a world of sexual revolution refugees.
  • March 23, 2023: The Challenge of Pseudo-religions. We’ll explore the rise of the unaffiliated and the various pseudo-religions and intuitional spiritualities people are turning to as traditional religious adherence falls away, along with opportunities to bear gospel witness in a world of “do-it-yourself” spirituality.
  • March 30, 2023: The Challenge of Fragmentation. We’ll look at the rise of polarization and fragmentation due to social media and physical isolation, along with opportunities for the church to provide a thicker sense of Christlike community.

Each session will be about 90 minutes (8:30–10:00 p.m. EST), with 50 minutes or so of presentation and 40 minutes of dialogue and discussion.

If you’d like to join this cohort, see The Keller Center website for more details. I look forward to strengthening members of this cohort so we have a missionary encounter with the world we’re called to reach.

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