
Wishing for Noise-Canceling Gospel-EarBuds

The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Rom. 8:16

Heavenly Father, at times I wish there was such a thing as noise-canceling Gospel-earbuds. They would block out everything, except the voice of your Holy Spirit. That would be so awesome. However, you’ve actually given us something much better.

By the same Spirit you spoke the world into existence; anointed your prophets and kings; you have sealed us, and now indwell us. 24/7, it is your delight to tell us we are no longer slaves or orphans, but your totally known, greatly beloved children. Hallelujah!

Help us tune our hearts to the Spirit’s frequency, Father. For he is gently and persistently serenading us. He’s singing the good news of our adoption; declaring the freedom of our redemption, and regaling the greatness of your affection.

And the Spirit is constantly making much of Jesus—further convincing us Jesus is our perfect righteousness, the ruler of the kings of the earth; coming back for us with the love and joy of a Bridegroom. Turn up the volume, Father!

On this first day in October, may the Spirit drown out all mindless chatter, inane banter, and man-centric clatter. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ glorious and grace-full name.

