
Because Jesus lives forever,

he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavensHeb. 7:24-26  

Lord Jesus, the awesomeness of this passage is off-the-charts immeasurable. Knowing you will completely save, heal, and transform us, fuels our peace, hope, and worship. 

Because of your finished work, your banner over us is love, your desire for us is constant, and your delight in us is endless. We are citizens of heaven and God’s beloved children—fully forgiven and robed in your righteousness. 

Your cross was our Judgment Day and your resurrection is the guarantee of ours. We are more married to you than to any human spouse; and one Day we will begin an eternity of perfect relationships, perfect health, perfect everything. Who can measure such spectacular riches of grace? 

Because of your constant intercession, we have perpetual advocacy before the Father. All your prayers for us are perfect, and all of them will be answered. Though Satan attacks us constantly, you care for us tenaciouslytrumping everything he throws at us. 

Because of your imminent return, we can live with hope and certainty. One Day we’ll be as lovely as you, and as loving as you (1 John 3:1-3)—as mind-boggling as that is. Nothing can separate us from your love. Nothing can sabotage our Father’s plan for our lives. Nothing can deter you from making all things new. May this true and spectacular news free us to live and love to your glory, now and forever. 

And should we draw our last breath today, we will draw our first breath in heaven. Every salty, painful tear we’ve ever wept, is destined to be wiped-away and redeemed. HALLELUJAH! Thank you, Jesus. So very Amen we pray, in your righteous and reigning name. 
