
The best-equipped army cannot save a king… Don’t count on your warhorse to give you victory… It cannot save you. But theLordwatches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love” (Ps.33:16–18). “We know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love” (1 Jn.4:16)


Heavenly Father, it’s a good thing when our “mojo and magic” are running out—when our “chutzpah,” like our ego, gets deflated. When everything that’s worked in the past, wilts and fails us in the present. That’s when we’re forced, or at least have the awesome opportunity, to rely on your unfailing love.

There is no other supply adequate for our need(s). No other strength is sufficient in our weakness and confusion. No other balm can touch our pain or give deep enough rest. No other hope can bear the weight of our fears, disappointments, and longings.

To rely on your unfailing love isn’t to trust in a something, but a Someone. Abba, your love is enough because you are altogether good, glorious, and gracious. We know this to be true because of everything you’ve already done for us in Jesus. Thank you, and Hallelujah! We also have fresh, sweet evidence of your unfailing love in this way… (Think of 3 things you are most grateful for early in June 2023. Gratitude is a powerful form of spiritual warfare).

So care-catching Father, we bring you our wandering hearts and our wayward children. We acknowledge our health concerns and our fears about our ever-changing world. It’s scary, but you are 1000 times greater.

We give you our irritation, resentments, and small roots of bitterness before they get any bigger. We own, and release to you, our penchant for discontent and envy. Father, all over again—make Jesus the most unavoidable, most precious, most heart-freeing reality in our lives. So Very Amen.
