
We Need Hearts Strengthened by Grace

It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace. Heb. 13:9

Lord Jesus, this verse has got to be one of the greatest understatements recorded in the entire Bible. Indeed, what will it profit us if we only eat heart-healthy foods, walk 10 miles a day at age 70, have a cholesterol level of 125 and a resting heart rate of 52 and yet have hearts flabby and weak in grace?

As the Apostle Paul wrote, physical training definitely has value; but godliness (growth in grace) has value for both this life and the life to come (1 Tim. 4:8). So lead us to the gym, the training table, the sauna, the spa, the regimen which will cause our hearts to grow stronger and stronger in your grace.

For surely the more our hearts are strengthened by grace, the more they will beat for your glory; have less room for idols, worry, and fear; and more room for loving and encouraging others.

As our hearts are strengthened by grace, we’ll repent quicker, forgive deeper, and laugh louder. We’ll throw more Gospel-parties and fewer pity parties. We won’t think less of ourselves, just less time thinking about ourselves at all.

We’ll be more earnest to find our place in your Story, and cease giving you bit parts in ours. We’ll be more generous with our time, talents, and treasures; and hoard fewer resentments, grudges, and irritations. May it be, Jesus, even this very weekend in July. So very Amen we pray, in your awesome and caring name.
