
My soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Ps. 62:5


Lord Jesus, nothing compares with being enveloped in your love, ruled by your peace, and alive to the hope of the Gospel. May this glorious triad permeate the rest of July, kiss each day, and quell our nagging restlessness.

We continue to live in a season of floating disquiet, rumbling anxiety, hair-trigger uneasiness. So, we make King David’s prayer our own. “Soul, find your rest in God alone. Don’t medicate foolishly, default to unbelief, or give into worry. Don’t minimize or exaggerate your concerns; just go to Jesus—keep collapsing on Christ, casting your cares on your Father (1 Pet. 5:7), and listening to the witness of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 8:16).

Indeed, Lord Jesus, we know better than to tie our inner peace to outward circumstances and mere people. Our deepest encouragement and greatest joy comes from living in union and communion with you (Phil. 2:1). Reel our wandering hearts in, the very moment we drift from the streets named “Christ Is My Life,” “Sufficient Grace,” and “Jesus Is Lord.”

Give us extra strength for being patient and kind—with family members, co-workers, and whoever you bring across our paths. May we feast on the grace and truth of the Gospel 10 times more so than we snack on the inanity, banality, and insanity of our world. So Very Amen, we pray.

