
Remembering to Remember Why We’re Grateful

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:20 (ESV)

Heavenly Father, thank you for only commanding things that intensify our love for you and free us from a boring preoccupation with ourselves. The command to give you thanks is just such a transforming imperative. And as your children, we have endless supply of reasons to stay grateful. Our list today includes these things:

Thank you for granting us 100% forgiveness, declaring us righteous in Christ, and hiding our lives in Jesus. You cannot love us more and you’ll never love us less. That’s not cliché, a mantra, or mere gospel-speak: It’s the best news, now and forever.

Thank you for sovereignly ruling over all things all the time. Though in our weakness, we still question your timing and ways, all we have to do is remember everything you’ve already accomplished through Jesus, and we’re reassured of your faithfulness and goodness.

Thank you for giving us taste buds to enjoy a tapestry of culinary delights; for music, art, film, and books that tap our emotions and voice our longings; for our jobs, homes, and beds; for the promise that Jesus is always praying for us and your Spirit is praying in us.

Thank you for the reassurance that Alzheimer’s and cancer, mental illness and addiction don’t get the last word. Thank you that because the gospel is true, we can relax and not pose or pretend as much, anywhere with anybody. Thank you for gospel-loving friends with whom to share this season of life. Thank you for our church families, missionaries to support, and neighbors to love.

Father, thank you for the coming Day of wiped tears and redeemed sorrows, of no more sin in our hearts or brokenness anywhere in your world. Hallelujah, all suffering has an expiration date, but your grace doesn’t. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ merciful and mighty name.

