
Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”

And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. Heb. 10:17–18

Heavenly Father, your promise to us in the passage is astonishment-fueling, heart-palpitating, and gratitude-enlarging. It is so good to lean into our Memorial Day weekend by remembering your forgetfulness.

You promise never again to remember our sins and lawless acts against us. You will never again deal with us according to our sins or reward us according to our iniquities. It’s not that you now have sin-amnesia. It’s far better than that.

You know everything and forget nothing. But on the cross, you dealt with Jesus according to our sins and rewarded him according to our iniquities. Wonder of wonders, grace upon grace—we are guilt-free, and you are totally satisfied.

But that’s not all, gracious Father. Because the Gospel is true, you now deal with us according to Jesus’ righteousness and reward us according to his obedience. What an exchange, what a salvation, what a Father you are to us. Jesus got our sin, and we got his righteousness.

Father, thank you for such a legal, lavish, and lively salvation. Rescue us in those delusional moments when we forget your forgetfulness. When we act as though Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins wasn’t enough. When we think there is something more we can do to gain your acceptance, garnish your favor, or wipe a frown from your face. How foolish we are, and slow of heart to believe the Gospel. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ magnificent and merciful name.
